The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we received hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few though-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “According to Demo ‘Educators,’ Math Is Racist

“As I’m reading this article, a single word springs to mind: gobbledygook. I can’t quite understand why, when people spout nonsense, it gets repeated, published, and treated as though it makes sense. Is there no one left in any editorial position that has the integrity to put a big red ‘X’ through idiocy?” —Mitch from Florida

“Objective teaching of mathematics is feared because it requires logical thinking, and logical thought enables people to more readily perceive and refute the lies of the ruling classes.” —Paul from Minnesota

“I seem to remember that the Smithsonian said that ‘math, science, individualism hard work’ were all white supremacist traits. This is just more of the same idea that, when you are woke, racism is your hammer and everything is a nail.” —Doug, a historian, from Ohio

Re: “Biden Targets the Second Amendment

“An ‘assault weapon’ is whatever the capricious and arbitrary leftists decide it to be. That familiar and disgusting propensity of theirs, to strategically redefine terms, is no way to protect the people’s rights. News flash, Mr. Biden: Weapons of war are supposed to be in our possession, whether on the streets or anywhere else, as a means to keep tyrannical people in check, protect the people’s rights, and avoid wars that no one wants.” —Hamilton from Illinois

“Justin Trudeau runs Canada as if he is emperor. The Western Provinces hate him and the legislators who dominate in Ottawa. The Western Provinces have absolutely no say in the government of Canada, since the legislators are from Ontario and Quebec and all they do is fawn over Trudeau, the globalist, as if he is a god. A comment was made a few years ago when the discussions regarding the Electoral were in full swing by a resident of British Columbia: ‘You are so lucky in the states to have the Electoral College.’” —Bernard from Massachusetts

Re: “South Carolina Joins ‘Heartbeat’ Pro-Life Movement

“I do not understand why there is an exception allowing the killing of children of rape or incest. I understand the emotional difficulties of such pregnancies, but hard as it is for the mothers to bear, research on outcomes has shown that those who abort their children have significantly worse psychological health than those who let the children live. Furthermore, putting the children at risk for being executed for the crimes of their fathers undercuts the argument that the law is intended to protect human life. It is not a ‘compromise’; it is a fatal flaw. Remove the exception. It helps nobody except those arguing against restrictions on abortion.” —Paul from Minnesota

Re: “Political Loyalty

“Loyalty should go both directions. I supported Trump with both my vote and my donations. However, once he lost the election (i.e., after the vote by the Electoral College), he should have shown his loyalty to the Republican Party and the American people by being graceful and magnanimous in his loss, both of which are character qualities that Trump does not possess. When Clinton was president, the Republican leaders repeatedly said that character matters. We quit saying that once the character became our candidate. While I will continue to support many of Trump’s policies, I want a Republican leader that promotes the right policies and extols good character, not someone whose primary loyalty is to his ego.” —Stephen from California