The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few though-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “The McConnell v. Trump Dustup

“Exactly right. And many of us who deeply appreciate Donald Trump’s policy achievements (for which Mitch McConnell shares credit) hope he will not let his oversized ego ruin the GOP’s chances in 2022 and 2024. His reprehensible treatment of Mike Pence and now Mitch McConnell does not bode well.” —Kenneth from Illinois

“Very well-reasoned analysis. Like you, I always vote policy, not personality, and fully supported President Trump’s policies. But tragically, DJT was his own worst enemy as a communicator. That, coupled with his narcissism and consequent lack of loyalty to other conservative leaders no matter how much he owed them, helped to cause his downfall. He seems never to have grasped (1) that there were not enough voters in his base to prevail in 2020, and, thus, (2) that when he failed to reach the ‘undecideds’ (almost all of whom vote based on personality and image), he sealed his electoral defeat. This was his failure, not that of Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, John Kelly, Jim Mattis, or anyone else.” —Robert from Minnesota

“I really enjoy your commentary and find agreement with you much greater than 99% of the time. However, one point on which I feel that you are wrong: It was indeed a witch hunt, and without evidence. The problem is that Trump offered them the excuse, as you point out so well. The impeachment charade was unconstitutional as well, as numerous people including Mark Levin have observed. I think the entire farce was designed to convince and condition uninformed lemmings that kangaroo courts without evidence are perfectly legitimate, further undermining the Rule of Law in favor of the
 rule of men.” —Rod from Michigan

Re: “A Fond Farewell to Rush Limbaugh

“At some point early in the ‘90s I realized that Rush Limbaugh and I had grown up in the '50s and '60s less than a hundred miles apart near the Mississippi River, each of us coming of age in modest, middle-class homes. At the same time, I became increasingly aware of those Midwestern values that we shared and that I believe were at the heart of his winsome connection with so many Americans: a simple respect for other people (rarely did Rush put down anyone, including his detractors) coupled with a basic egalitarianism which judged that every person, regardless of status, 'puts on his pants one leg at a time.’ All people deserve respect; no one is worthy of adulation.” —Gary from Georgia

Re: “Three Lessons Conservatives Can Learn From Rush

“I loved Rush Limbaugh and consider him one of the more clear minds of our time. I arrived at this country at 52 years old from Cuba and know very well socialism and its consequences. I haven’t found a clearer mind than the one Rush had with regard to the real understanding of the strategy and tactics of communism and the unwavering defense of the American set of values. I am missing him every day and feel his departure as if it was of a close member of my family.” —Lazaro from Florida

Re: “Leftmedia Smears Rush After His Passing

“The contrast could not be more stark. When Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, conservatives gave her accolades even though they disagreed with virtually every ruling she made. Some even presented her as entering the joys of Heaven. When Billy Graham and Rush Limbaugh passed away, the Left danced with glee and wished them the miseries of hell. Conservatives can distinguish between moral character and bankrupt philosophies. Even more importantly, most understand that people are created in the image of God and are intrinsically of infinite value. To the Left, character does not matter — only toeing the party line. Leftists have no absolute truth and thus judge others by their own depraved selves. Which side actually spews forth hate?” —David from Arkansas

Re: “Ted’s Not-So-Excellent Adventure

“Ted Cruz didn’t do anything any one of us wouldn’t have done. Realistically, what was Ted going to do if he stayed in Texas? Go around to all the wind turbines with a Zippo lighter and try to melt the ice? Magically change the grid structure to use more natural gas? Come on folks, this is a media frenzy just because he’s a conservative Republican. Nothing more. When Governor Gavin Newsom pulled a boneheaded move with his cronies in a restaurant, it got 30 seconds of coverage. Governor Andrew Cuomo is likely responsible for the deaths of thousands in nursing homes. So what’s his deal? The media covers him. Cruz is fine, and this nonsense is a smokescreen by the Left.” —Peter from New Jersey

Re: “Saving Keystone From Joe Biden’s Pen

“Instead of 800,000 barrels of oil flowing harmlessly through the Keystone pipeline, they now must use 4,400 semi-trucks and 1,300 train cars (owned by Warren Buffett) every day to move the oil. Still think this was all about the environment? Both rail and pipelines are quite safe, but pipelines are without a doubt the safest way to transport oil and gas. In every year from 2003 to 2013, pipelines experienced fewer incidents per million barrels of oil equivalent transported than did rail.” —David from California

Re: “Is It Finally Time for a Real Third Party?

“If Mr. Weber wishes to know why a third party will not work, have him contact me. As the former head of the Constitution Party in Ohio, I can explain it to him in spades. President Trump was finding out some of those reasons when he first began to run for president in 2016. I was hoping he would address those, but once he broke through and upset the Republican mainstream, he no longer concerned himself with those roadblocks established by the mainstream two-party system, which is designed to ensure the establishment retains control of the voting process — more so in some states than others. Of course, the Republican mainstream is now working to ensure there are no more Donald Trumps who can upset its applecart again. As to the Democrat mainstream, who put Scranton Joe in the White House?” —Donald from Arizona