The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Warren’s Wealth Tax Is Just the Beginning

“There’s a huge problem with Senator Warren’s proposed wealth tax: It’s unconstitutional. In fact, the Constitution forbids it twice! The 13th Amendment made an exception to this limitation for the income tax, but ‘wealth taxes’ or other property taxes are still prohibited unless apportioned among the states by population. The intent was to ban redistribution of wealth by the feds.” —Minnesota

Re: “It’s Time to Cancel the Cancel Culture

“The best environment for growth of the worst biohazards is a pure and empty petri dish. Prohibiting the teaching of truth while destroying knowledge of how and why past wrongs were perpetrated, accepted, and practiced creates a perfect petri-dish brain full of ignorance ready for indoctrination. This is analogous to the hapless wanderer seeking to find a home but walking in circles until dead because he prohibited any memory of passing this way before. If such insanity rules, the best we can hope for is stagnate societies. But it is far more likely societies will devolve into tribes, clans, and brutal savagery requiring we repeat all the lessons that thousands of centuries have taught us.” —Missouri

Re: “CA Teachers Union Cries ‘Racism’ Over Reopening Deal

“For somebody who wants an organizational challenge: Assemble a group of 35,000 conservative teachers to make an offer to take over the LA Teachers’ contract for just $5 million, provided the members of the new teachers union are permitted the academic freedom to teach according to their principles. A better possibility is to build a competing network of Hillsdale Academy Charter Schools in Los Angeles, with a lot of financial support for low-income families. This may bypass many of the absurd ‘woke’ mandates from the state legislature, or at least give the teachers freedom to mitigate the damage. Getting half a million future voters out of the clutches of the leftist indoctrinators would be a good investment in the nation’s future.” —Minnesota

Re: “The Stunning Success of Operation Warp Speed

“Way back when ObamaCare was being promoted, there were concerns about government-run ‘death panels’ that would decide what conditions were worthy of treatment and who would be eligible for them. The supporters of that program claimed repeatedly that there would never ever be any government bureaucrats making health decisions for any American. Fast-forward to today. Every time I watch the news about who is eligible for COVID-19 vaccination, I have to wonder about the government bureaucrats who now are making the decisions about who gets to be next in line and who gets to keep potentially living at risk.” —Washington

Re: “The Economy Doesn’t Need ‘COVID Relief’

“Congress is going into debt to pay for all these benefits it is going to bestow on us. The great hypocrisy — one ‘we the people’ always seem go along with — is that debt is free; someone else will pay for it. Yes, someone else will pay — our children and grandchildren. This is abject cowardice. Where is the morality in burdening our future with this debt just to make a Congress of buffoons look good today?” —Colorado

“My husband and I both earned military retirements and collect Social Security benefits we paid for our whole working lives. Accordingly, we will not qualify for COVID relief checks, although we are in the high-risk demographic. We will just be charged for relief for those who did not bother to prepare themselves. Pathetic.” —Washington

“The COVID-19 relief bill should be called for what it is. It is 90% pork, so it should be properly called a ‘Pig Roast.’” —Florida

Re: “Democrats Vote to Defund the Police

“Interesting idea. Why don’t they start with the federal government? The last list I saw showed over 70 federal agencies/offices with police powers. Law enforcement should be a local matter, not federal. Keep the FBI and a few others, but get rid of the rest and stop telling the locals what to do.” —Maryland

“What does the federal government have to do with local police forces? Local policing is the business of whatever city, county, or state those police are hired or elected to ‘serve and protect.’ The federal government has zero constitutional interest in or control over any ‘police’ force other than military police and federal agencies. And this includes providing financing that, of course, is used as leverage to coerce those departments to do whatever the feds want them to do. As far as the federal government is concerned, it isn’t really ‘defunding’ so much as turning off the flow of funds that shouldn’t have been flowing in the first place.” —Florida

Re: “Dems Push Fix for Nonexistent Gun ‘Loophole’

“A 10-day waiting period is in fact a minimum of a 14-plus-day waiting period,
 because the waiting period is 10 business days. Depending on what day you buy your gun, you’d have to wait at least 10 business days and at least two weekends, because the day of purchase doesn’t count as part of the current three days. The idea behind the background check in the first place was to eliminate the waiting period.” —Florida