The Patriot Post® · Thursday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Insight: “To make your children capable of honesty is the beginning of education.” —John Ruskin (1819-1900)

Upright: “Having children is about life, and life is about caring for more than just yourself. Calling abortion women’s health care and thinking that your job is three times more important than bringing new life into the world is not a sign of a healthy culture with a healthy soul. If we want insight into our baby bust, this is what we should be thinking about.” —Star Parker

Observations: “Legal torts require damages; societal torts merely require a claim of damages, without evidence. No one can explain just how a drawing in ‘If I Ran the Zoo’ has contributed to actual racism; there are no recorded incidents of a single white supremacist citing ‘And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street’ as a formative source in his racist worldview. But any academic with a computer and a degree in postmodern nonsense can take those books off the shelves simply by claiming that offense is possible.” —Ben Shapiro

Nailed it: “Woke supremacy is as bad as white supremacy.” —Senator Tim Scott

For the record: “When Brownsville officials tested migrants last month, over 6% tested positive. Some were willing to quarantine at local hotels paid for by charities, but many boarded busses for other parts of the country. Six percent sounds small, but 6% of 1 million migrants adds up to 60,000 — a steady stream of spreaders being knowingly dispersed throughout the nation. … Travelers flying into the U.S. must have a negative COVID-19 test before boarding, and another negative test is recommended after landing. But illegal immigrants get a free pass to bring the coronavirus to a bus terminal near you.” —Betsy McCaughey

The BIG Lie: “As our state legislators seek to turn back the clock through legislation that will restrict access to voting for many Georgians, I am disheartened, saddened, and angry. … The proposed changes appear to be rooted in partisan interests, not in the interests of all Georgia voters.” —Jimmy Carter

Non sequitur: “We are not trying to close our borders. We are trying to … create an effective, moral, humane system.” —White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki (“There’s nothing ‘effective, moral, or humane’ about empowering human, sex, and drug traffickers to increase their activity across our southern border and in American communities.” —Rep. Andy Biggs)

And last… “What is Jesus’s most cancelable statement? In Matthew 19, he says God made people ‘male and female’ and points to Adam and Eve as the model of marriage. That would get a lot of other people canceled these days.” —Frank J. Fleming