The Patriot Post® · Friday Executive News Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Top of the Fold

  • Senate confirms unfit nominee Xavier Becerra as HHS secretary despite just one GOP “yes” vote (Fox News)

“There’s a reason Mr. Becerra could not get one single Republican vote to move out of committee. It’s because he is such a thoroughly partisan actor with so little subject-matter expertise and such a demonstrated history of hostility toward basic values like the freedom of conscience. There is nothing about Mr. Becerra’s record in Congress or in California to suggest he is the best possible person to run the Department of Health and Human Services in the middle of a once-in-a-generation viral pandemic.” —Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell

Government & Politics

  • The Biden administration, which has flung the border doors wide open, has a whopping 14,000 migrant children without parents in its custody (Examiner)

  • Speaking of welcome mats: House approves politically expedient bills giving “Dreamers” and farmworkers pathway to citizenship (Examiner)

  • Foolish DHS chief faces call to resign over border situation (Washington Times)

  • We’ve got 99 problems, but “crisis” ain’t one of ‘em: Press Secretary Jen “Circle Back” Psaki calls situation on the border a “crisis,” later walks it back when reporter points out her remark (Daily Wire)

  • AOC staged photo-ops outside migrant facilities under Trump, but not anymore (Fox News)

  • Rand Paul takes Dr. Fauci to task for wearing masks in public when he has already been vaccinated (Power Line)

National Security

  • U.S. and China trade barbs in first face-to-face talks under Biden (Forbes)

  • Putin challenges Biden to chat with him in a “live” conversation (Fox News) | Meanwhile, Russia recalls ambassador to U.S. for “consultations” as tensions spiral (Axios)

  • FBI releases videos showing “most egregious” attacks on Capitol Police officers (Daily Wire)

Annals of the “Social Justice” Caliphate

  • Indiana AG warns Amazon about banning Ryan T. Anderson book on “transgenderism” (PJ Media)

  • Wheaton College to reword plaque honoring missionary martyrs James Elliot and Ed McCully because the word “savage” is used (Disrn)

  • Exactly what the world needs right now: Marvel unveils first LGBT Captain America (Disrn)

We’re Shocked — Shocked!

  • Child court judge, ex-head of LGBT group that promoted Drag Queen Story Hour, arrested on child porn charges (Daily Wire)

  • World Health Organization reportedly granted its puppeteer, China, authority to veto scientists on Wuhan mission (Daily Caller)

Dumb and Dumber

  • California trade group asks theme parks to mitigate screaming on rides to curb COVID spread (Disrn)

  • What could possible go wrong? Facebook planning to create version of Instagram for children under 13 (The Hill)

Belly Laugh of the Week

  • Communist China, which runs concentration camps and commits genocide, “furious and sad” about violence against Asian Americans in U.S. (The Hill)

Closing Arguments

  • Policy: Recover the moral imperative of law and order (City Journal)

  • Policy: The destructive power of Keynesian spending plans (Mises Institute)

  • Humor: Nine disasters from history that were actually motivated by white supremacy, like the sinking of the Titanic (Babylon Bee)

For more of today’s editors’ choice headlines, visit Headline Report.

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