The Patriot Post® · Friday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Insight: “A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity.” —Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)

Upright: “We should be leaving innovation to the innovators, not entrusting to politicians the decisions about what should and should not be made and commercialized. History shows that political leaders have an endless supply of ideas about how to enrich themselves, entrench their power, spend other people’s money and kill their enemies, but are largely dull and unimaginative otherwise. Innovators save lives. Politicians, not so much.” —Laura Hollis

Observations: “China is in a race to achieve global hegemony. It seeks sympathetic world opinion — at least until it has achieved superior military and economic power. So for now, China feigns victimhood, and it seeks solidarity with others inside the United States and abroad who claim to be fellow victims of American racism. Such naked artifice and hypocrisy may seem crazy, given China’s atrocious human rights record. But Chinese leaders view our exploding budget deficits, staggering national debt, lax immigration policies, 2020 summer riots and other internal strife as far crazier — and most welcome supplements to their efforts.” —Victor Davis Hanson

Good question: “Was the filibuster really a tool of Jim Crow when it was used against Tim Scott [regarding police reform] last year? … If somebody wants to come to the floor and repent of their racism for having used the filibuster last year, please do.” —Senator Ben Sasse

For the record: “Democrats want to do to AR-15s what they did to drugs. Which is to create black markets for them, increase crime, empower cartels/gangs & make criminals out of nonviolent people — the process of which costs our justice system billions & prevents real crime from being solved.” —Hannah Cox

The BIG Lie: “The Southern Poverty Law Center is not anti-Christian at all.” —SPLC Chief of Staff Lecia Brooks

Gaslighting: “A once-in-a-century pandemic cannot be the only thing that slows mass shootings in this country. We shouldn’t have to choose between one type of tragedy and another. It’s time for leaders everywhere to listen to the American people when they say enough is enough — because this is a normal we can no longer afford.” —Barack Obama

Alpha jackass: “The life of [Boulder shooter] Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa shows that people can come from all over the world and truly assimilate into our beloved American culture.” —Michael Moore

Nope: “Jesus was a revolutionary. And the job of the Christian is to revolutionize society [and] the job of the Christian is to liberate society from the powers on Earth that are oppressing humanity. … So that’s liberation theology in a nutshell. Savior theology is a different type of theology. The job of the Christian is to go out and save these individuals who are behaviorally deficient. In other words, we’re to bring them into the church, these individuals who are doing all of these evil, sinful things, and heal them and save them. And then once we’ve saved them, we’ve done our jobs. And to me, antiracists fundamentally reject savior theology that goes right in line with racist ideas and racist theology and which they say, ‘You know what? Black people, other racial groups, the reason why they’re struggling on Earth is because of what they’re behaviorally doing wrong.’ … That type of theology breeds bigotry. And so to me … liberation theology breeds a … a common humanity against the structures of power that oppress us all.” —Ibram Kendi

And last… “Republican should not ‘work together’ with Biden if Biden’s agenda is taking away our guns, radical transgenderism, abortion on demand, raising taxes, ignoring science, anti-free speech, & ushering in anti-American socialism.” —Liz Wheeler