The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “A Conservative Governor Gets Overridden

“‘Gender-affirming’? LOL. By the same logic, decriminalizing driving while intoxicated is ‘altered-conciousness-affirming,’ and doing the same for theft is ‘kleptic-affirming.’ There is evidence indicating that the ‘treatments’ banned under the Arkansas bill are malpractice. Most people other than radical libertarians concede that the state has the authority to prohibit dangerous and probably ineffective practices sold in the name of healthcare for minors. Compare it with the minor example of tattoos. Is it right for a parent to impose a tattoo on a child? Is it wise to let a child obtain a tattoo that may be regretted later? How much more so regarding ‘gender transition’ procedures, which have much more serious ramifications?” —Minnesota

Re: “Biden Opens Fire on Firearms

“We’ve already got too many laws on the books. If the government wanted to stop criminals and murders, it would enforce the laws already on the books — all of them — instead of just making new ones to compensate for its incompetence and to raise money by instituting new records and fees (which, by the way, just adds more employees to the government roles).” —Washington

Re: “Biden, Dems Look to Weaken Executive’s War Power

“Here is an update to the War Powers Act made possible by technological developments: Each House of Congress should form an Emergency Foreign Action Committee, comprised only of members of each House who qualify for the highest security clearance, with members in the same partisan proportion as each House as a whole. The members of the committee would receive secure communications devices (preferably off-the-shelf units from military or intelligence community inventory), programmed for a dedicated network. The president and vice president would likewise have communications access to this network. In an emergency, the president can call a meeting of these committees on the network, explain the need, and obtain emergency authorization.” —Minnesota

Re: “A Liberal Calls Out His Own

“I think we do a disservice to actual liberals by bundling them in with the modern left. In reality, the modern left more closely resembles the Bolsheviks from Russia a hundred or so years ago. The modern left isn’t about ‘liberalism’ any more; they are about power and control. Their message isn’t that their opponents are to be disagreed with — rather that they should be eliminated, either by reeducation or death. Clearly, anyone who disagrees with a modern leftist isn’t just wrong — they are evil and must be removed from modern society by any means required.” —Texas

“Need we more evidence of the insanity of leftist liberals than their rabid propensity to redefine terms unequivocally explicit through all world history? In Eden, Satan challenged Eve to redefine God’s Word: ‘Hath God said…?’ The rest is history. We equivocated over when human life began and legalized the murder of unborn persons. We acquiesced to demands to publicly reveal private lives and redefined marriage. We tolerated sexual perversions and redefined gender. We appeased irresponsibility and teach Critical Race Theory. We assuaged identity crises and allow identity politics. We taxed wealth creators and expanded unearned ‘entitlements’ into ‘rights.’ The first casualty in war is truth; we are battling evil. But TRUTH has won the war! (John 14:6).” —Missouri