The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Did Either Chauvin or Floyd Get Justice?

“I’ll leave it to Mr. Chauvin’s legal team to second-guess the jury, but it appears very likely that they will appeal the verdict at least on the second- and third-degree murder charges and claim a mistrial. I expect the appeals court to deny the appeal. Out of fear of the mob, they will at least in private follow the precedent established by the Minnesota Supreme Court in rejecting a suit regarding the validity of the 2020 election in two congressional districts: ‘It would be too disruptive.’” —Minnesota

“The courts tried to make justice happen. Our courts exist to allow sober and thorough debate of a proposal to deny a citizen full rights to freedom. But the public and media would not trust the courts. The outcome is dangerously tragic! Both those for and against the conviction of Derek Chauvin can say the system worked. They can also say the system did not work. With so intractable a Gordian knot, this ambiguous dichotomy resolves nothing and casts any hope of even the slightest reconciliation deeper into intractable conflicts and irrevocable despair.” —Missouri

“We really need to fight back against this claim of ‘systemic racism.' I know of nothing in the nation’s founding documents that promotes racism/discrimination against non-whites based on race. If there is any systemic racism, it would be things like affirmative action that lowers standards for non-whites, which in my view portrays non-whites as less able or competitive. Look at the people in the Minnesota and federal government who aren’t white! If the U.S. is so racist, how does this happen?” —Texas

Re: “Floyd Verdict: 'Systemic Racism’ Not Guilty

“If one only saw the segment presented, one might make the mistake of concluding Mr. Floyd’s complaints of not being able to breathe were only after he was on the ground. They were not. One of the side affects of fentanyl is to cause the feeling one cannot breathe even when he or she can. The officers knew Floyd’s history. They had called for medical aid twice. When one takes into account the media circus and the threats against jurors, there is no possibility that any of the officers would have a chance of receiving a fair trial. It is a certainty the Chauvin conviction is going to be appealed and I believe overturned. The larger question is how much additional damage will this do to the rapidly shrinking law enforcement community?” —Washington

Re: “A Letter Every Parent Should Read

“Many conservative-minded parents feel like Andrew, and he explains those feelings by identifying the forces that mold a young child into a liberal robot. What is being taught in the schools, and by whom? The home has lost the base place for teaching integrity, morality, and intellectual analysis. Children come home as strangers. Parents have now to contend with the social teaching, which comes from liberal-school-taught teachers. The basics such as math, general science, reading, and perfecting communication skills are secondary when children encounter social guidelines that overrule what is taught in the home. Because of COVID-19 mandates, my take is that parents have, for the last year, been awakened to what the schools have been teaching.” —Oregon