The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Joe Biden’s Climate Emissions

“Leftists want to kill off the traditional sources of energy, but will there be anything in place to replace oil, coal, and gas in sufficient quantities? Leftists are willing to shut down entire segments of an industry without having anything to replace them with. They will create government-mandated regulations using efficiency standards that are neither technologically feasible nor economically justified.” —California

“If CO2 ever drops to around 150 ppm, the earth would enter an irreversible death spiral. (Plants breathe CO2, then give us O2 for us to breathe. If they die, we die.) Presently, we’re coasting around 420 ppm. Based on this, what number should we really be worried about?” —Arizona

“The earth changes. There is nothing we should be doing to interfere with the natural process. One aspect of the process is that as populations expand, the earth must naturally accommodate its guests. Plants need carbon dioxide, and as populations expand, the amount of carbon dioxide emitted expands, giving plants the ability to expand and thus feeding the expansion. If the climate warms, plants have the natural predilection to move into suitable climates. With the expansion of plants, people may move into those warmer areas taking advantage of the climate and the ability to produce more sustenance.” —Pennsylvania

Re: “A Judge Rebukes Troubled Waters

“The Marxists and their stooges in Congress are throwing gasoline on the fire. They are playing with dynamite. The City of Minneapolis must be held accountable for failing to adequately protect its citizenry during last summer’s riots, not to mention declaring Derek Chauvin guilty even before his trial by paying off George Floyd’s family. It was a show trial of which Joseph Stalin would be proud. Was Chauvin guilty? It doesn’t matter. With crowds all over the country with matches at the ready, he had to be. All while Maxine Waters was spewing her flaming vitriol outside the courthouse. What a great role model for black girls.” —Ohio

Re: “The NYT’s BIG ‘Blunt Force’ Lie

“There is another question Senator Johnson should ask: ‘What did the House impeachment team know about Officer Sicknick’s death, and when did it actually learn his death was not caused by an alleged assault?’ If the impeachment managers knew he died of natural causes prior to or during the trial, they committed perjury before the Senate and deserve expulsion and permanent disqualification from public office as a consequence.” —Minnesota