The Patriot Post® · Monday Executive News Summary

By Jordan Candler ·


  • FDA lifts Johnson & Johnson vaccine pause that never should have happened (Fox News)

  • New CDC guidance recommends pregnant people women get the COVID vaccine (CBS News)

  • India hits new COVID record with 352,991 infections (Fox News)

  • Malaria vaccine has striking early success after decades of disappointment (Science)

National Security

  • State Department social justice warriors allow embassies to fly pride flag on same pole as U.S. flag (Fox News)

  • DHS stops fines for illegal immigrants who fail to leave the U.S., cancels their debt (Daily Caller)

  • Biden declares slaughter of Armenians a genocide, posing test for U.S. ties with Turkey (NPR)

  • Military begins final withdrawal from Afghanistan (NY Times) | Exit creates new hurdles for counterterrorism operations (Washington Times)

Annals of the “Social Justice” Caliphate

  • Hollywood elite turn Oscars into far-left hate speech targeting cops — and it doesn’t stop there (Fox News)

  • Portland’s incompetent Democrat mayor now begs public to help “unmask” members of “self-described anarchist mob” (Fox News)

Around the Nation

  • Reckless Gavin Newsom to phase out fracking in 2024, end oil extraction in California by 2045 (Breitbart)

  • Indiana declares houses of worship essential services (Disrn)

  • Montana passes law that prohibits federal gun restrictions (Disrn)

Other Notables

Closing Arguments

  • Policy: Biden’s business tax hikes would be a self-inflicted mistake for America (Daily Signal)

  • Policy: Why wind and solar energy are doomed to failure (Power Line)

  • Satire: John Kerry gets China to agree to carbon-neutral invasion of Taiwan (White House Dossier)

For more of today’s editors’ choice headlines, visit Headline Report.

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