The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “100 Days of ‘Unity’

“The only unification Biden is responsible for is being in unified agreement with his left-wing, communist supporters who are determined to bring down the republic. His run for the presidency was based upon bringing the nation together when in reality it was to divide and conquer. A good example of the Marxist philosophy that the end justifies the means.” —New Mexico

Re: “About That OTHER Knife Fight in Ohio

“Has anybody else noticed that we have heard multiple choruses about one mother’s loss and anguish, but we have not heard anything from the mother of the child whose life the officer saved, or from those who might agree that a potential victim’s life was saved? Why no thanks? Why no support for a man who had to make a split-second, agonizing decision to take a life to save a life?” —Missouri

Re: “George Floyd Memorial Promotes Racism as Justice

“What everyone seems to be forgetting here is that, yes, he should not have been killed, but he was still a criminal engaging in criminal acts. If he had been a law-abiding citizen, this would never have happened. Don’t try to paint this guy as some poor black man who was targeted based on race and who never did anything to anyone.” —Oregon

Re: “John Kerry: Anti-American Snitch

“There are many names for Kerry — Hanoi John, Traitor John, and several others — but Patriot isn’t one of them. He trashed our military to Congress in 1971, he undermined the Vietnam peace talks in 1972 to help McGovern, and he undermined Trump all four years with his continuous talks with Iran. He’s a traitor and guilty of treason and needs to be charged. Leaked memos that put Trump in a bad light were never ignored and were accepted as fact.” —Minnesota

Re: “SCOTUS Finally Takes a Critical Gun Case

“My prediction is that this will be a 6-3 rather than a 5-4 ruling. If Justice Roberts is in the minority, then he gets to assign the writing of the majority opinion, and if he assigns it to himself, it would be a broad ruling. But if Roberts joins the majority, he assigns the writing of the opinion and can narrow its scope.” —California