The Patriot Post® · Friday Executive News Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Government & Politics

  • Biden speech draws 26.9 million viewers, down 43.6% from Trump (The Hill) | CBS’s “85% Biden speech approval” poll quizzed just 169 Republicans out of 1,000 viewers (National Pulse)

  • Mike Pence’s publisher, Simon & Schuster, refuses to cancel memoir after staff protest (The Guardian)

  • FDA announces plans to ban menthol cigarettes (NY Post)

  • Senate confirms former Bill Nelson to head NASA (Fox News)

National Security

  • Feds investigating “directed energy” attack near White House in November (AMN)

  • Navy will fall far below mandated 355 ships as China churns out war vessels (Washington Examiner)

  • China nuclear buildup faster than expected, U.S. now believes (Washington Times)

Annals of the “Social Justice” Caliphate

  • Rioter fined $12 million for helping set fire to Minneapolis police station during “mostly peaceful” BLM riots (Daily Wire)

  • In chilling video, antifa doxes and threatens to kill Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler (PJ Media)

Other Notables

  • Consumer-fueled economy pushes GDP to annualized 6.4% first-quarter gain (CNBC)

  • DOJ was going to arrest Derek Chauvin in court if jury found him innocent (Daily Wire)

  • Illinois judge finds Firearm Owner Identification Card unconstitutional (Center Square)

Closing Arguments

  • Policy: Qualifying the debate over qualified immunity (Newsweek)

  • Policy: The ideal capital gains tax rate: zero (Forbes)

  • Satire: Washington Post calls Biden a “very Catholic president who worships Satan” (Babylon Bee)

For more of today’s editors’ choice headlines, visit Headline Report.

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