The Patriot Post® · Monday Executive News Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Top of the Fold

  • Emergency declaration issued in 17 states and DC over fuel pipeline cyberattack (Axios) | The cyberattack could hit consumers’ wallets (Fox 5)

  • Chinese military scientists discussed weaponizing SARS coronaviruses in document obtained by the U.S. government (Daily Wire) | House Republicans demand State Department documents probing COVID origin as potential lab leak (The Federalist)

Government & Politics

  • Friendly fire: Border Democrats slam Biden for failed response to border crisis (Washington Examiner)

  • Double standards: Biden waives ethics rules for former union bosses who now work in White House (Fox News)

  • Kevin McCarthy officially endorses Elise Stefanik to replace Liz Cheney (Axios)

Around the Nation

  • Derek Chauvin and three fellow officers indicted on federal civil rights charges (National Review)

  • Colorado shooter walks into a party, kills six and himself (Fox News)

  • Montana governor signs bill banning “transgender” athletes from girls’ sports (Fox News)

Around the World

  • Calgary police arrest Polish pastor who refused to allow police, health officials to disrupt service (Daily Wire)

  • Israeli police and Palestinian protesters clash in Jerusalem (Axios)

  • Death toll soars to 50 in school bombing in Afghan capital (Washington Examiner)

  • Scottish nationalists vow independence vote after election win (Reuters)

Closing Arguments

  • Policy: Four reasons to oppose Biden’s universal preschool plan (FEE)

  • Policy: Real defense budgets and imaginary worlds (Heritage Foundation)

  • Humor: Chinese rocket breaks apart revealing inspirational fortune inside (Babylon Bee)

For more of today’s editors’ choice headlines, visit Headline Report.

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