The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Is Ousting Cheney for Stefanik Good for Conservatives?

“Yes, Donald Trump’s worst liability is a gritty impulsive approach when expressing his opinion of other politicians. Better to focus on the issue and avoid attacking the person. Liz Cheney is a solid conservative, but she reflected Trump in her comments. Democrats exult in watching GOP self-immolation. We can’t fix the 2020 election. Joe Biden is president. But the election process was perverted. Trump’s hyperbolic candor exceeds expected decorum. But he is right to oppose brainwashing efforts to bury the anomalous 2020 election as if the anomalies never occurred. I do not blame Trump for calling the election ‘stolen,’ a ‘fraud,’ or ‘fake.’ No Trump ally takes this literally. Yet such rhetoric denies comfort to liars; that’s his strength.” —Missouri

Re: “Democrats Are Gunning for Ron DeSantis

“I will be watching this closely. This man has done a great job in Florida and the Floridians know it. You just have to be concerned about the Northerners coming from liberal states who have settled in Florida. There’s an old saying: ‘When you are in Rome, you do as the Romans do.’ These Northerners should not come to Florida with their liberal ideas. This is why Southerners are so concerned with so many relocating. According to a friend in Texas, they too are very concerned.” —South Carolina

Re: “‘To Beat, or Not to Beat?’ Is the Question

“My grade and high school years were in the 1940s and ‘50s. Parents sending their children to school allowed child discipline by teachers and staff for creating disruptions or damage. I never heard of one parent objecting to whatever punishment was meted out because they knew the teachers and principals were doing their jobs trying to educate their kids. Today, college kids are rioting, protesting, censoring speakers, and destroying property while getting away with it. Until we take back our schools and allow teachers to educate in every way, we will continue to not educate but create a bunch of kids who feel entitled when they go out in the real world.” —Washington

Re: “The Worrisome Drop in Fertility

“Social Security and Medicare are Ponzi schemes, dependent on a growing population to provide new generations of suckers to pay in. We’ve lost a seventh of our population to abortion, and that’s been showing up in the entitlement balances. The first 10 million victims would now be in their prime earnings years, forking over nearly $200 billion in payroll taxes every year. The shortfall the author anticipates has already been happening for decades, and it will get worse. The continuing decline in birth rate only hastens the demise of these programs.” —Minnesota

Re: “Of 'Birthing People,’ Mothers, and the Unborn

“It’s time for the LBGTQ community to say, ‘Enough is enough.’ I, for one, am on your side for equal treatment under the law and in society, but if you want to dismantle that same society, I owe you nothing. In fact, the largest groups within this LGBTQ community — the LGBQs, if you will — are only hurting themselves by trying to swing the pendulum to put themselves in a heavy-handed position. My question to all is this: Do you WANT me on your side, or are you going to let these idiots force me away?” —Nevada

Re: “Government Funds the Labor Shortage

“Basically, we’re giving people an allowance. The difference is when I got an allowance I had chores to do.” —Michigan