The Patriot Post® · David vs. Goliath

By Roger Helle ·

The story of David and Goliath is rich with examples for us today. Many are overwhelmed with the leftist juggernaut that seems to be steamrolling over the institutions and principles that made America the country it was and still can be today.

For days the Israelite army had lined up on one side of the valley and the Philistine army lined up on the other side. In the middle was Goliath, engaging in verbal trash talk against “the Army of God.” Sure, he was nine feet tall. Sure, his spear was like a small telephone pole. Sure, his armor weighed more than David soaking wet.

The difference was, David had experienced God’s provision and deliverance in his life too many times to sit back and listen to this trash-talking Philistine and do nothing. After consulting with the king and deciding against Saul’s body armor, he trotted down the hill into the valley. The Bible doesn’t say what he was thinking, but I have an idea:

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for Thou are with me.” —Psalm 23:4

David stopped, picked up five stones, and dropped them in his pouch. Have you ever wondered why five stones? Was he nervous? Was David afraid he might miss the first time? Was he like all of us Marines who believe you can never have too much ammo? Read further in the Bible and you will discover Goliath had four brothers. He knew after taking out Goliath the rest of the family would come after him.

When he stood before the giant, David was perhaps about 17, the same age I was when I enlisted in the Marine Corps. Now Goliath starts trash-talking directly to David. “I’m going to feed your flesh to the birds,” he said. David responds, “You want a piece of me? Bring it on!” Okay, I made that up, but he could have said it.

What David did tell Goliath was that he was going to cut off his head! Now that’s bold talk when you understand there was only one sword on the battlefield and it wasn’t David’s. You know how the story ends, right? David kills the giant, the Philistines flee, and the Israeli army wins big time! So, Roger, why are you telling us this story?

For decades now, we conservatives, and especially we Christians, have cowered before the giants of socialism and Marxism. We’re outnumbered and outgunned by leftists. They dominate the media, academia, Hollywood, and now the big tech giants. What can we do? Whine? That attitude and our surrendering of the cultural battlefield decades ago is why we’re where we are now. We’ve made the Left a Goliath that can’t be beat. That’s not true!

It’s not too late to take our country back. Will it be easy? Absolutely not! Will it be worth it for our grandchildren when we do? Absolutely! This nation was founded by those who risked their lives every day. It has remained free by the blood, sweat, and tears of millions of patriotic Americans who put on the uniform and stood in the gap. Millions of young Americans are waiting for courageous leadership today. The next generation of Daniels, Davids, Josephs, and Esthers are out there. Let’s find them and train them to defeat the giants!

Something to think about?