The Patriot Post® · Monday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Insight: “Government price-fixing once started, has alike no justice and no end. It is an economic folly from which this country has every right to be spared.” —Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933)

Political futures: “The progressive left’s foremost pagan sacrament … is on the chopping block — that is, the ‘right’ to murder one’s own child in utero. And the left will leave no stone unturned in its quest to preserve modern constitutional law’s peculiar codification of that ‘right.’ … If the impending left-wing/media/Hollywood-driven intimidation and disinformation campaign succeeds in peeling off Kavanaugh or another ‘gettable,’ thus securing a court majority alongside Roberts and the three liberal justices to overturn Mississippi’s law, then it is unclear at best what kind of ‘legal conservative movement’ can possibly emerge from that rubble. The legal conservative movement was primarily founded on this issue. If, after all these decades and finally securing this right-leaning court majority, it cannot overturn Roe or even make a severe dent in the hopeless muddle that is Casey, the verdict will be in. It will not be pretty. The movement will have failed.” —Josh Hammer

Re: The Left: “Many of the NBA’s players have spent the last few years taking a knee during the National Anthem to protest what they perceive to be America’s systemic racism and the mistreatment of blacks and other minorities by police. Fine. That’s their right. Peaceful protest is part of what America is all about. But while they’ve taken a knee for George Floyd and against America, the players just take the money from China. … The NBA and the players talk big about justice, but they’re all about the money.” —Michael Reagan

Observations: “It is not a coincidence that as Americans move beyond the soft bigotry of the baby boomer to that of those born after Jim Crow and the Civil Rights marches, the claims of bigotry, racism and division are getting louder. Those who have made comfortable livings spreading division have to push new grievances and hucksterism. A mostly white secular elite who are into idol worship, mostly of themselves, still feel a need to repent. So, they buy the books, attend the seminars, put Black Lives Matter signs in their yard and impose their idol worship on everyone else as virtuous.” —Erick Erickson

For the record: “Just five weeks after the Biden administration reopened negotiations with Iran — the patron of Hamas — and announced it would be restoring U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority, Hamas attacked. What has happened as a result of the administration’s weak posture stands in stark contrast to the results of the previous administration’s foreign policy, which united Arabs and Jews behind greater pressure on Iran, recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and drastically increased the number of Arab states maintaining normalized relations with Israel. In the Middle East, weakness begets conflict and strength begets stability. The Biden administration’s resistance to this simple reality is now playing out in Gaza.” —Christians United for Israel founder John Hagee

Friendly fire: “Mayor Lightfoot’s blatant anti-white racism is abhorrent. I call upon President Biden, Kamala Harris, and other leaders of our county — of all races — to join me in calling for Mayor Lightfoot’s resignation. Our leaders must condemn all racism, including anti-white.” —Tulsi Gabbard

Grand delusions: “Pence was taken out of the Senate chamber something like 60 seconds before these terrorists, insurrectionists got into the Senate chamber. … Sixty seconds could have meant potentially the difference between what we have right now and a martial state.” —Congresswoman AOC

Non compos mentis: “The only party now that is operating in reality is the Democratic Party. The Republican Party is obsolete.” —CNN’s Don Lemon

And last… “Lori Lightfoot is the racist Democrats claim all conservatives are. Joe Biden is the Russian Puppet Democrats claim Trump is. Andrew Cuomo is the sexual predator Democrats tried to claim Kavanaugh was. Time to stop believing these people when they try to signal their virtue to us.” —Charlie Kirk