The Patriot Post® · Monday Executive News Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Top of the Fold

  • Naftali Bennett sworn in as Israel’s 13th prime minister (Jerusalem Post) | Benjamin Netanyahu tries to go “scorched earth” in last speech, swipes at Biden administration over incompetent Iran policy (Fox News)

  • One victim dead, 13 wounded following Austin mass shooting (Washington Examiner) | Texas newspaper refuses to give description of black suspect because of "stereotypes" (Daily Wire)

Government & Politics

  • Judge halts Biden administration’s discriminatory no-whites-allowed farmer debt relief program (Just the News)

  • Merrick Garland announces expansion of DOJ’s voting rights unit, vowing to scrutinize voting restrictions integrity and ballot reviews (Washington Post)

  • Panderer-in-chief to sign bill making Pulse nightclub a national memorial five years after massacre (Washington Examiner) | Pandering continued: Kamala Harris slammed for marching in gay pride parade instead of visiting southern border (Washington Times)

  • ChiCom Joe asks G7 to take a tougher line on China — but not all allies are enthusiastic (Washington Post) | G7 nations take aggressive climate action but hold back on coal by necessity (NY Times)

National Security

  • White House returning $2 billion in Trump border wall funds to Pentagon (ABC News)

  • Military whistleblowers report leadership forcing “anti-American indoctrination” on them (The Federalist)

Health & Heartland

  • CDC holding emergency meeting on heart inflammation in young males after COVID shot (Fox News)

  • Novavax likely to add fourth COVID vaccine to U.S. arsenal (National Review)

  • 42.6% of the U.S. population is “fully vaccinated” (Breitbart)

  • Florida Board of Education officially bans critical race theory from state classrooms (Just the News)

Closing Arguments

  • Policy: No, “systemic racism” is not why so many black kids are in foster care (AEI)

  • Policy: Can an employer mandate a COVID vaccination? (Daily Wire)

  • Humor: Disaster at G7 as Biden tackles Boris Johnson mistaking him for Trump (Babylon Bee)

For more of today’s editors’ choice headlines, visit Headline Report.

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