The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Biden Embarrasses Us at the G7

“Back in February, I made a bet with a number of friends and acquaintances that Joe Biden would be history as U.S. president by June 30 of this year. This was based on his obvious physical and cognitive decline and inability to meet the demanding requirements of the presidential office. His decline continues, as do his struggles in public. That the president’s handlers and the American media refuse to acknowledge this sad situation can only be described as unconscionable. As June 30 approaches, I realize my bet will probably be lost — not because Joe Biden shouldn’t have already been duly replaced, but because VP Kamala Harris has thus far not demonstrated to her handlers an ability to assume the office with any degree of increased confidence.” —Florida

Re: “Sexualizing Children to Destroy Families

“Marxism is rife, rampant, and unstoppable unless we all begin to react against it. Every issue in this country that is aimed at destroying its integrity, cohesion, culture, history, liberty, and freedom is Marxism in one form or another. The Democrat Party has become the Marxist political tool; colleges and universities the intellectual tool; the media the propaganda tool. But the very worst attack on this country’s cohesion is coming from the teachers unions, permitting the destruction of children’s patriotism, self-identity, and the family unit.” —Massachusetts

Re: “CRT Is the Front Line of the Culture War

“In many areas, public education no longer exists. It’s been replaced with taxpayer-funded parochial schools for secular humanism. Critical Race ‘Theory’ is the latest catechism section to be added to their religious indoctrination, and its incorporation into the curriculum has the hallmarks of the worst of cults. But every religion must have its devils, including humanism, even if acquiring them requires overt abandonment of reason — which allegedly is the core of humanism.” —Minnesota

Re: “ATF Whittles Away at Second Amendment

“The ATF should not exist because the federal government has no right to make these laws. Laws regarding drinking, smoking, and firearms are the business of the individual states. The only thing that will save us from the present communist/socialist takeover will be when the states fight for their constitutional rights.” —Pennsylvania

Re: “The Fight Against Redlining Free Speech

“In this country, our greatest strength is our greatest weakness. We live under a code of liberty that protects us patriots, and also protects those who would make any statement, or take any action, against this same country that protects them. A very wise man of modest means, unknown away from his neighborhood and of very little to no report, once said, ‘In a bar fight, you go by the other guy’s rules.’ Maybe he was wiser than we thought.” —Missouri