The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Executive News Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Top of the Fold

National Security

  • More than 600 vets release letter denouncing “woke” military and socialism in U.S. (AMN)

  • Kevin McCarthy offers “eight pillar” plan to hold China accountable for COVID pandemic (Daily Signal)

  • No remorse: China now says Wuhan lab deserves a Nobel Prize for Medicine (National Review)

  • Georgia hospital system hit with ransomware attack following Biden-Putin summit (Fox Business)

  • Hacker attempted to taint San Francisco drinking water (Fox Business)

Annals of the “Social Justice” Caliphate

  • Nellis Air Force Base hosts first-ever drag queen show, stupidly asserts it’s “essential to the morale, cohesion, and readiness of the military” (Breitbart)

  • Violence breaks out at various Juneteenth celebrations across the country (Daily Caller)

  • Olympics hit with backlash after New Zealand “transgender” athlete qualifies on women’s side (Washington Times) | “Like a bad joke”: Female competitor reacts (Daily Wire) | American “transgender” Olympian wants to burn U.S. flag on the podium (Daily Caller)

  • The backlash is real: As rebellion against Critical Race Theory grows, the Left turns to denial and dismissal (Daily Signal)

To Infinity — and Beyond!

  • Over 60,000 sign petitions to stop Jeff Bezos from returning to Earth (NY Post)

Closing Arguments

  • Policy: Groundhog Day comes for the defense budget (RealClearDefense)

  • Satire: Female weightlifter suffers tragic testicle injury just weeks before Tokyo Olympics (Babylon Bee)

For more of today’s editors’ choice headlines, visit Headline Report.

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