The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Executive News Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Top of the Fold

  • “A huge win for the integrity of elections”: GOP blocks Democrats’ federal election takeover (Daily Signal) | Democrat Jamaal Bowman says the quiet part out loud: HR 1/S 1 is a means for them to grab power forever (PJ Media)

  • As crime gets worse, Biden takes a big risk with new anti-gun EOs (Washington Examiner)

Government & Politics

  • The honeymoon is over: Biden’s approval numbers drop, disapproval numbers spike (Just the News)

  • Senate confirms Kiran Ahuja, Biden’s OPM nominee with Critical Race Theory ties (Fox News)

  • White House admits that U.S. won’t meet Biden’s July 4 vaccination goal (NY Post)

  • “They must have been cheating”: Watchdog group sues for records relating to derogatory comments Biden’s ATF nominee allegedly made against black agents (Daily Caller)

Big Tech

  • Google suppresses lab-leak information (Insider)

  • Meanwhile, Google funded Wuhan collaborator Peter Daszak’s virus experiments for over a decade (National Pulse)

  • Naturally, then, Daszak is “recused” from medical journal’s COVID-19 commission (Fox News)

Annals of the “Social Justice” Caliphate

  • New Jersey school board reverses plans to scrap holiday names; outraged parents smeared as “right-wing fanatics” (Fox News)

  • Seattle city group defends “reparations fee” for white people at public event (Fox News)

  • Restaurants are now adding “equity” charges to customers’ checks (FEE)

  • San Francisco is the most racist city in America, according to Critical Race Theory (Daily Signal)

  • Japanese soccer player on women’s World Cup team comes out as “transgender” (Daily Wire)

American Spirit

  • Colorado mayor bans Pledge of Allegiance at meeting, attendees recite it in protest (Daily Caller)

  • Florida will require schools to teach civics and “evils of communism” (Fox News)

Other Notables

  • Eric Adams leads early NYC mayoral returns, but ranked-choice voting could scramble results (Washington Examiner)

  • U.S. seizes Iran’s state TV website, two other Iran-linked media websites (AMN)

Closing Arguments

  • Policy: Understanding how much the government is spending (Daily Signal)

  • Policy: Greg Abbott has a plan to secure the border. America must support him. (Heritage Foundation)

  • Humor: New Yorker struggling to rank every choice for mayor from 1 to 8.419 million (The Onion)

For more of today’s editors’ choice headlines, visit Headline Report.

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