The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Nellis Is a Drag

“I would like for Nellis AFB to explain to me how such a performance was ‘essential to the morale, cohesion, and readiness of the military.’ How is this ‘essential’ when that word means ‘absolutely necessary, extremely important’? How does it improve or contribute to ‘morale’ when that word means ‘the capacity of a group’s members to maintain belief in an institution or goal, particularly in the face of opposition or hardship’? How does it improve ‘readiness’ when that word means ‘the state of being fully prepared for something, or the willingness to do something’? This is no longer my Air Force!” —Georgia

“Diversity of sexual values never defeated an enemy. The warrior ethos prohibits inclusiveness. Winning battles denies equal opportunity. We have only two options: (1) Maintain uniformed war-fighting forces that excludes any persons unable or unwilling to conform to a uniform warrior code that prohibits any thought of opportunity to threaten us, or (2) repeat history by allowing the smoke of social experiments to divert our focus and conceal our enemy while they exploit and prepare to defeat our fractured, myopic, and banal military agencies. Then speak Mandarin.” —Missouri

Re: “Senate Republicans Save Voting Rights

“Praise the Lord. Prayers for the defeat of this blatantly communist ‘voting’ bill have been answered. Now the states need to start claiming their other rights under the Tenth Amendment and get the federal government out of their other business, such as elections, education, gun laws, marriage and divorce laws, alcohol use, even driver’s licensing, all of which are solely the rights of each state. The Tenth Amendment is the only thing that will save our republic from the current communist takeover.” —Pennsylvania

Re: “DeSantis Schools the Educational Establishment

“Here’s what Governor DeSantis needs to do next: Since even corporate America is trying to ram CRT and the 1619 Project down our throats, use the progressive playbook. Make it mandatory that all teachers — K-12 and college — pass a state-certified course in civics. It should include the Constitution and go down to the lowest levels of government. Maybe a few of those academics will learn something outside the narrow confines of their leftist indoctrination. Until now, what we’ve done is allow people with no experience outside of education and politics to indoctrinate the next generation into their own lack of experience.” —Nevada

Re: “Dems Lecture Catholic Bishops After Abortion Rebuke

“Ordinarily, I support the notion of the separation of church and state (even though it isn’t part of the Constitution). The fact remains, however, that the state has been interfering with the church for quite some time now. So, if the bishops want to cross over that line in retaliation for the state sticking its nose where it doesn’t belong, then so be it. Personally, I hope they don’t stop with simply denying Biden and his cronies Communion.” —Connecticut

“Biden’s religious principles are so personal he won’t even impose them on himself.” —Illinois