The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “The Left Kills Humor

“Some of this satire is way over the simple heads of most ‘liberal’ minds. There are some thought processes that can handle hypocrisy when each situation needs to be judged with comparisons. But if it disturbs their worldview, and hypocrisy is displayed, then it must be the offender’s fault. Situations often require differential logic. That is why you see the panic and screaming — i.e., the so-called trigger moments of people going into fits of hysteria. Sad to see what is obviously going to happen in the next year or two as accommodations are attempted by the inferior ‘woke’ people in power.” —Oregon

“I got 30 days in Facebook jail for commenting ‘Burn the house down’ under a picture of a snake curled around a front door knob with the caption, ‘What would you do if you came home and saw this?’” —Kentucky

Re: “SCOTUS Punts on Key Case

“Notice that the mustache dude in the spa video who eventually came into view and who was supporting the man in the women’s spa had no retort when the woman stated that the ‘transgender’ man had a penis. Of course — because any retort to that would involve supporting a big lie. He shut up because he couldn’t resolve that quandary.” —Illinois

Re: “In Brief: The NFLGBT Goes Woke

“The name of the game is money only, not ‘gender’! I have only a very passive interest in professional sports, but I know this: Professional sports teams exist to make a profit for the owners, and that profit depends on winning. Q1: Why does Megan Rapinoe not make the same money as male soccer players? A1: Because she does not play on a male soccer team. Q2: Why does she not play in a male soccer league? A2: Because no male soccer team owners will hire her. Q3: Why won’t male soccer team owners hire her? A3: Because she can’t compete and contribute to a winning team. No owner maximizes profit by paying male workers (or athletes) more money to do a job that female workers (athletes) can do just as well for less money.” —Missouri

Re: “In Brief: Afghanistan Is Much Worse Than You Realize

“The Trump administration at least tried to keep the situation viable for the Afghan republic, even though President Trump was rightly impatient to pull out. Mr. Biden, on the other hand, is repeating the same error Mr. Obama made in Iraq. Just as ISIS was able to exploit the error and cause great suffering to many people, so the Taliban is doing today. If anyone asks why this should be any concern of ours, the Taliban is the world’s largest heroin-producing organization, as well as host to al-Qaida. Also, Afghanistan has tremendous undeveloped deposits of important metals including mountains of copper-silver-gold ore that were discovered by U. S. forces during the hunt for al-Qaida and Taliban forces. If we leave, China gets them.” —Minnesota

Re: “Our Racist National Archives

“The fact that there were thousands of slaveholders who were people of ‘color’ is conveniently never mentioned. One of the first, Anthony Johnson, was one of the first slaveholders of ‘color’ and responsible for getting servitude extended to a lifetime term in the Virginia colony. The FACTS of history, though, don’t help promote the Democrats’ hateful, racist agenda.” —Ohio