The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Executive News Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Top of the Fold

  • Joe Biden assails voting integrity laws in fiery speech (Washington Times) | Fact-checking six big claims in the president’s partisan-tinged diatribe (Daily Signal)

  • Texas Governor Greg Abbott says Democrats must stop spreading “misinformation” (Fox News)

  • Lone Star State Republicans say enough and officially vote to arrest fleeing Democrats (RedState)

Government & Politics

  • Senate Democrats announce $3.5 trillion go-it-alone reconciliation budget agreement (Washington Examiner)

  • National Republican Congressional Committee boasts record haul in second quarter, outpaces DCCC (Washington Examiner)

National Security

  • Communist Cuba cracking down on demonstrations; dissidents say police “arresting, beating, and killing" protesters (Daily Wire) | Double standards: Biden’s open-borders DHS chief tells Cubans hoping to make sea voyage, "You will not enter the United States” (Daily Wire) | Congressman Mario Díaz-Balart introduces resolution to support Cuban protests. Only Republicans sign on. (Daily Wire)

  • Non compos mentis: Biden admin waives sanctions on Iranian oil trade … as DOJ announces charges against Iranian intel agents who sought to kidnap American journalist (Free Beacon)

  • Russian ransomware group REvil’s websites down following Kaseya attack (ZDNet)

  • Navy surface fleet unprepared to win future conflict, watchdog finds (Free Beacon)

Around the Nation

Around the World

  • Deadly rioting and looting in South Africa after ex-president Jacob Zuma jailed (CBS News)

  • China begins military flights from disputed South China Sea bases (Washington Times)

  • Is Kim Jong-un’s regime on the cusp of collapse? (Daily Signal)

Other Notables

  • Almost two-thirds of Americans believe China should pay pandemic reparations (CSP)

Closing Arguments

  • Policy: The Federal Reserve is playing with inflation fire (1945)

  • Policy: Biden sets regulation and antitrust back 100 years (AEI)

  • Humor: Other states look to Texas for advice on how to get Democrats to leave (Babylon Bee)

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