The Patriot Post® · Wikipedia Founder: Site Totally Controlled by the Left

By Thomas Gallatin ·

Wikipedia cofounder Larry Sanger has once again1 blasted2 the total leftist takeover of his crowd-sourced creation, observing in a recent interview, “Wikipedia is more one-sided than ever.”

Just how thorough is the Left’s takeover of Wikipedia? Well, Sanger explains, “It is not too far to say that Wikipedia, like many other deeply biased institutions of our brave new digital world, has made itself into a kind of thought police that has de facto shackled conservative viewpoints with which they disagree.”

In fact, it has gotten so bad that Sanger charges Wikipedia with becoming exactly the opposite of what it was intended to be. It has, he says, “become an opponent of vigorous democracy.” As evidence supporting his contention, he observes that citations of mainstream conservative news organizations such as Fox News have been outright banned by Wikipedia. And any attempt to correct an entry to make it less biased and more neutral has been disallowed — as “if only one version of the facts is allowed.”

Sanger noted an example from Wikipedia’s page on Joe Biden:

Biden’s article, if you look at it, has very few concerns Republicans had about it. So if you want to have something that remotely resembles the Republican take on Biden, you’re not going to get it from the article. And there is a paragraph — and it’s quite a long article, so there should be at least one paragraph — on the Ukrainian scandal. Very little of this can be found on Wikipedia. The little that can be found is extremely biased and really reads like a defense attorney’s brief.

This author can personally attest to experiencing such treatment at the hands of the leftist Wikipedia “police” for daring to attempt to correct entries to remove obvious political bias within articles, and subsequently being suspended for these good-faith efforts. The authoritarian Left cannot tolerate dissenting opinion nor the challenging of its own demonstrably biased narrative as anything other than “the facts.”
