The Patriot Post® · Thursday Executive News Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Government & Politics

  • “[Chuck Schumer] was too eager for a win”: Democrats’ infrastructure bill is blocked by Senate GOP filibuster (Washington Times)

  • House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejects Jim Jordan and Jim Banks for January 6 committee — so Kevin McCarthy wisely pulls all GOP picks (PM)

  • Rand Paul says he will seek criminal referral from DOJ over Anthony Fauci testimony (Washington Times) | Fauci vs. Paul and three other takeaways from the Senate COVID-19 hearing (Daily Signal)

  • Department of Education walks back ties to group pushing Critical Race Theory in schools (Fox News)

  • Entrapment ruse? FBI informants had bigger role in Governor Gretchen Whitmer kidnap plot than thought (Washington Examiner)


  • White House weighs pushing masks (again) as COVID cases increase (Fox News)

  • We’re shocked — shocked! China rebuffs WHO’s terms for further COVID origins study (AP)

  • Big three U.S. drug distributors along with Johnson & Johnson reach landmark $26 billion opioid settlement (CNBC)

Around the Nation

The Karma Chronicles

  • U.S. women’s soccer team takes stunning loss after kneeling for BLM at Olympic opener (Daily Wire)

Other Notables

  • Disney moves more than 2,000 jobs out of California and to Florida citing the latter’s pro-business policies (Not the Bee)

  • Families struggle to cope with inflation egged on by statist policies (The Federalist)

  • Enjoy this two-minute compilation of Democrats spouting all sorts of conspiracy theories about voting machines that would get “right-wing extremists” kicked off social media (Not the Bee)

Closing Arguments

  • Policy: Why free online porn should be banned (National Review)

  • Policy: The war on foster care: Ideologues stand in the way of getting help for children with severe trauma (AEI)

  • Humor: Brave U.S. women’s soccer team kneels during entire Olympic match, loses 303-0 (Genesius Times)

For more of today’s editors’ choice headlines, visit Headline Report.

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