The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Gen. Mark Milley Should Resign or Be Fired

“I served in the Army and was deployed to Vietnam in 1970. One of the first things I remember being taught about the UCMJ was that as long as we were in uniform, we were to steer clear of politics. And always respect the commander-in-chief, no matter what party he was a member of. Whatever happened to service members keeping their mouths shut about something they didn’t agree with? If General Milley wants to make political statements, he should resign his commission and run for office. I’m sure the Democrat Party could use another member.” —Missouri

Re: “States and Counties Fight Back Against Biden’s Globalist Land Grab

“Confiscating privately owned property is what Marxists do. If they can’t physically confiscate it, they will impose restrictions on its use that amount to the same thing. Prior to the founding of our nation, for 25 centuries the philosophy of governance throughout the world was based upon the ownership and control of all property by the ‘sovereign,’ who dispensed control of property only to whose who pleased him, sucked up to him, praised him, bowed before him, licked his boots, etc. Ours is the first nation in the history of the planet to recognize the right of individuals to own property as their own domain, secure from government interference. That chafes petulant little martinets calling themselves ‘Marxists.’” —Arizona

Re: “J.K. Rowling Holds Her Ground

“Transgenderism is another word for the mentally ill. I can’t believe how any woman can support this movement. These people are simply men who want access to women’s private space. There are only two genders and anyone that professes differently is sick and should see a doctor immediately. Transgenderism will destroy every gain made by women in the past 150 years.” —Texas

“There’s nothing ‘trans’ about transgender. ‘Trans’ means to go from one to another. However, a man cannot become a woman and vice versa. All they can do is appear as the opposite sex. Therefore, they should properly be referred to as ‘pseudogendered.’ Doesn’t make them any less of a person, but they shouldn’t be allowed to bastardize the English language in that respect. Tell it like it is — not what they want it to be.” —Tennessee

Re: “Green America Feeds Red China

“President Biden’s energy policy and actions reflect his general incompetence and the fact that the extreme progressive element of the Democrat Party is ignorant of energy reality, not to mention guilty of egregious malfeasance and hypocrisy. The future of the U.S. hangs on Republicans regaining control of Congress though the 2022 election. This should not be too difficult given the current behavior of Democrats at all levels of ‘governing.’ At critical issue, however, is whether our nation can survive the rapid, mindless dismantling of our energy policies and infrastructure in the interim.” —Florida

“Renewable energy is a great idea, however it’s proponents obviously didn’t think it through to its ultimate conclusion. First, the bulk of the materials required to produce the wind turbines, solar panels, and transmission lines have to be dug out of the ground. Let that sink in. Every step in the process entails pumping unknown quantities of pollution into the atmosphere: earth-moving mining equipment, transportation of the iron and copper ores, plus delivering the eight constituent components of concrete to where they will be processed into useful materials to be manufactured into wind turbine towers with their steel-reinforced concrete bases.” —California