The Patriot Post® · 'I Did It to Myself'

By Roger Helle ·

A construction worker sat down for lunch. He opened his lunch box and pulled out a sandwich. He looked at the sandwich in his hand and exclaimed, “Peanut butter sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches; I hate peanut butter sandwiches!” This went on for days. Finally, one of his coworkers said, “Why don’t you ask your wife to fix you something else?” He angrily responded: “You leave my wife out of this. I pack my own lunch!”

We laugh at this, but I remember right about the time I was in high school, the avowed atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair literally single-handedly had prayer removed from public schools. I’m sure many thought it would never happen, but it did. Did anyone try to stop it?

It starts slowly. Someone in town doesn’t like the nativity scene by the courthouse. A lawsuit is threatened, and the community folds and takes it down. Next comes taking down the Christmas tree, followed by banning something as loathsome as the phrase “Merry Christmas!” Easter definitely has to go, and on and on it goes.

Then came the attack on our moral values. Different states would have cultural issues on their ballots (homosexual marriage, abortion — take your pick), which would normally be voted down by an overwhelming majority. But the plaintiffs would find a leftist judge somewhere who would overturn the will of the people.

What did most of these issues have in common? Usually, the few managed to accomplish their goals at the expense of the majority. The small number of plaintiffs (usually just one offended citizen) were supported by groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), an innocuous-sounding organization. Who could be against American liberties? Everyone at the ACLU, that’s who! The organization was founded by a communist and has fought against our values since Day One.

It began with “political correctness” and morphed into radical “cancel culture,” which has started eating its own. Established editors of prestigious newspapers had to resign because the “woke” underlings whined that their superiors weren’t sufficiently “woke.” It’s America’s version of the communist Chinese Red Guard under Mao Zedong. It got ugly quickly, and the toll in human lives was in the millions.

Then there is Critical Race Theory, which the Left says doesn’t exist. But teachers unions have funds to defend those who lose their jobs for teaching it. Does that sound weird to anyone else?

We’ve spent 18 months responding with knee-jerk reactions to government health “experts” who told us to follow the science. Masks don’t work. Oh, wait … masks do work. No, they don’t … well, yes, they do! In fact, wear two!

COVID-19 is spiking because Republicans won’t shut down their states again. Get out of the way, Biden says — the government will help! President Reagan said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”

Here’s my question: Have we reached the tipping point where the “majority” of God-loving American citizens have finally woken up to realize these radical leftists won’t quit until America as we know it is destroyed?

“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”

Something to think about?