The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Biden Abandons Afghanistan to Taliban

“As a Vietnam vet, I can truly say history is repeating itself in Afghanistan. When I saw the NVA armor flattening the walls and gates around the South Vietnamese government offices, I truly felt sick to my stomach. We need to get out of these endless wars.” —Pennsylvania

“At this moment in time, how haunting is Robert Gates’ assessment of Joe Biden’s foreign policy credentials over many decades, that Biden has been wrong every time it really mattered?  And as Kabul is surrounded and the embassy personnel scramble to destroy the paperwork there, the man in the Oval Office ‘has no regrets.’ Is this president even sentient? And where is Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, the man determined to root out any hint of ‘white supremacy’ in the U.S. military? If he couldn’t discern the inherent weakness of the Afghan military, how did he possibly rise to his present position? We are haunted by the truism that we get the leadership we deserve.” —Georgia

“As a career veteran and federal employee, I know I would be fired if I failed to honor my sworn duties à la Joe Biden. I believe that brilliant sage Woody Allen is credited with saying: ‘80% of success in life is just showing up.’ Mr. President, you were AWOL! Worse, you thoroughly obliterated any U.S. credibility as a defender of human rights and liberty. You betrayed Afghan liberty loyalists; their blood is on your hands. Because of YOU, Mr. President, our allies view us as a dangerous liability, the enemies of liberty feel vindicated and emboldened, and all other world leaders are ducking for cover.
 Biden lied, Afghan loyalists died. As for us? Learn Mandarin.” —Missouri

“I quote from ‘Broken Arrow,’ one of my favorite movies. Giles Prentice says, ‘I don’t know what’s scarier: losing a nuclear weapon, or that it happens so often there’s actually a term for it.’ I think that I’ll start using ‘broken arrow’ when I refer to the bobbled handling of our withdrawal from Afghanistan.” —Pennsylvania

Re: “Biden: ‘Zero Responsibility’ for Afghanistan

“I hate to say it, but Joe actually has a point. Sort of. It is not the responsibility of the United States, nor the citizens in our Armed Forces, to risk lives and treasure to cure the ills of the world. It is also not our responsibility to ensure that each and every place in the world has a government that we agree with, or has a democratic foundation, or treats all its citizens the way we want them to. If we start empire-building, we then become the type of country our founders fled and fought to be free from. That said, since we already did go and make a mess in Afghanistan, it does seem as though we had some obligation to not just bail out and leave the place up for grabs for any bunch of terrorists that have a lot of guns.” —Florida

Re: “National Defense Is About Defeating the Enemy, Not Equality

“I agree with Catherine and Gunny Duff that women should not be forced into combat roles for the reasons given. However, I disagree that they should not be eligible for the draft when women can easily perform a variety of noncombat roles, thus freeing up more men for the combat positions. That is not to say that I think women who desire and qualify for combat duty should not be allowed to fulfill those positions — if they can qualify, they can be assigned, but only on a voluntary basis. This in no way limits the accession of women during an emergency that requires a draft; it only limits most to noncombat jobs. A draft that works this way would be eminently more fair than one that puts the entire burden on men alone.” —Virginia

Re: “Reversing Brown v. Board: Anti-White Racism in Action

“Who’s in charge? Does anyone know? Where are the teeth in the Civil Rights Act? The principal needs to feel the teeth. Can anyone guess what would happen if she had been white? The city would still be burning. Shut down the education system and start over. There’s no rehabilitating the current corrupt and broken system.” —Oregon

Re: “Trump’s Biggest Blunder — Anthony Fauci

“I have long held that we should not have term limits for members of Congress unless the law also includes term limits for bureaucrats. Dr. Fauci is an example of the need for this provision.” —Minnesota

Re: “We’re Mostly Socialists Now

“One question must be asked of this poll: Did it actually query the same group of Democrats as it did last year? Perhaps many of those who do understand what socialism is have left the Democrat Party in disgust with its increasingly radical and irrational behavior, leaving behind a smaller party with a higher percentage of socialists. Another consideration: Some may be afraid to say anything negative about socialism, given the socialist faction’s intolerance for dissenting views and its access to censorship power.” —Minnesota