The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Setting the Stage for Disaster in Afghanistan

“The consequences of this failure go far beyond the suffering of the Afghan people under the murderous rule of the Taliban. In the 1950s, during a Chinese Communist Party strategy session, one of the attendees sneered, ‘The U. S. is a paper tiger.’ Chairman Mao replied, ‘Yes, but the paper tiger has nuclear teeth.’ Today, I fear China and others will look at Afghanistan and conclude the tiger has lost its dentures. It will be very difficult for the present administration to persuade potential adversaries otherwise. All of them should resign, lest the world be plunged into a planet-wrecking war. It does no good to dream that no such war will happen if the U. S. does nothing, for the power vacuum itself will set off the fighting.” —Minnesota

Re: “Biden on Afghanistan: ‘I Don’t Know How That Happened’

“Liberals have the mentality of children. They can never foresee the consequences of their actions. Thus, they must be told not to throw stones … or run with scissors … or play with fire. They also, like children, don’t like rules. So they throw stones and run with scissors anyway. And problems occur others have to fix.” —Arizona

Re: “Biden’s Cataclysmic Afghan Failure

“This is such an unmitigated disaster. Saigon in 1975 was bad; this is 1,000,000 times worse. Anyone with the IQ of a toad could have predicted it was going to happen. How does anyone expect that they could trust the United States again? Biden and his feckless collection of pansies have completely trashed America’s reputation on the world stage. Worse than all this is the horrific loss of life. What was the White House thinking?! I comfort myself with the thought I did not put this guy into the Oval Office. That is small comfort when one considers all that Biden has cost this country. He has GOT to go!” —Florida

Re: “Biden’s Blowup: Back to the Future of Islamic Terrorism

“Imagine why Joseph R. Biden was allowed to draw a government check for 47 years and never did anything except to use its power to enrich himself and his family and attract those who use him to destroy the republic. Thank you the voters of Delaware and the other blue states, the media, and the DNC for gifting us with four years of this hapless old liar and for guaranteeing his protection by saddling us with a sorrier and scarier replacement waiting and cackling off stage. The media mockingly told us Donald Trump was a joke and the world was laughing, but now the world is truly laughing while showing us its middle finger.” —North Carolina

Re: “The Problem With Building a Nation

“Given that Americans right now are being denied the freedom to live as we choose due to overreaching authoritarian government officials, bureaucrats, and leftist corporate dictators, how can we be that shining city on the hill of liberty?” —Delaware