The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Executive News Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Afghanistan Postscript

  • Appallingly. President Biden to honor Taliban’s red line for Afghanistan pullout (Free Beacon)

  • White House poised to leave several thousand of our own behind enemy lines (Daily Caller)

  • Adding insult to injury: Taliban transformed by haul of advanced U.S.-made weapons (Washington Times)


  • House passes $3.5 trillion budget blueprint, paving way for massive government expansion (National Review)

  • House Dems pass John Lewis Voting Rights Act, which thankfully is DOA in the Senate (Washington Times)

National Security

  • Supreme Court orders reinstatement of effectual “Remain in Mexico” policy (National Review)

  • Border Patrol arrests 8,700 criminal aliens in 10 months despite thin ranks (Epoch Times)

  • U.S. intelligence community: Sorry, COVID’s origin remains a mystery (National Review)

  • Two U.S. diplomats to be evacuated from Vietnam after “Havana Syndrome” incidents (NBC News)

Around the Nation

  • Disgraced Andrew Cuomo stripped of Emmy he never should have received (National Review)

  • Oregon governor reinstates outdoor mask mandate regardless of vaccination status (Washington Examiner)

Annals of the “Social Justice” Caliphate

  • Apple employees are turning on their own woke company (Breitbart)

  • The unbearably cringe BLM video shown to all incoming Air Force Academy cadets (Not the Bee)

Other Notables

  • Americans’ judgment on Afghanistan costs Biden’s approval, down to 41% (USA Today)

  • Herschel Walker declares Senate candidacy in Georgia, a top GOP target in 2022 (Fox News)

  • A hospital finds an unlikely group opposing vaccination: Its workers (NY Times)

Closing Arguments

  • Policy: The multimillion-dollar pandemic mistake schools are reluctant to fix (Deseret News)

  • Satire: Biden orders all rainbow flags flown at half-staff after Taliban cancels UN queer theory classes (Genesius Times)

For more of today’s editors’ choice headlines, visit Headline Report.

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