The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Hayden Smears Trump Supporters

“More and more it appears that individuals promoted to the ‘Star’ level of authority and responsibility in our military are of the ‘woke’ progressive ideology prioritizing social engineering above planning and training to attain combat readiness. How else can the debacle and tragedy of the Afghanistan troop withdrawal be explained? Does anyone believe past generals of the likes of MacArthur, Patton, Eisenhower, LeMay, and others would have been complicit in the decision-making of an obviously flawed and incompetent commander-in-chief? The Biden administration’s failed leadership at many levels must be investigated now to preclude further damage and danger to our nation.” —Florida

Re: “Fifty Years of Ideological Bankruptcy — And Counting

“President Biden failed to uphold the other part of President Trump’s agreement with the Afghan government and the Taliban: the negative consequences for the Taliban if they failed to remain peaceful. He cannot hide behind the agreement when he himself was a party to breaking it.” —Minnesota

Re: “Biden Gets Caught in His Lies

“Biden and his handlers appear to think Americans care most about simply getting out of Afghanistan, and will therefore forget the ignominious retreat and his willingness to abandon the Americans trapped there. The moral depravity on display is astounding. It’s time for every person with decency to ask the Biden regime and the entire Democrat Party, ‘Have you no shame? At long last, have you no shame?’” —Illinois

“Biden back in June: ‘If you wanted or if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.’ Biden last week: Here you go, Taliban!” —Texas

Re: “The Plight of Christians in Afghanistan

“It’s far too easy to dismiss 12,000 among tens of millions. Yet the roots of Christianity are watered with the blood of its martyrs. Pray for their safety and security. Pray for their strength, peace, and joy as they face their captors with threats of torture and execution. Never doubt their pain and fear. Pray God will reveal His plan and our fellow believers will glorify God with their witness. Our wealth separated us from sacrifice. May we repent and may our Creator grant our nation’s rebirth to defend those rights again.” —Missouri

Re: “FBI Knew of Second Hunter Biden Stolen Laptop

“We should be asking ourselves if the FBI is no longer unbiased but is now an official arm of the Democrat Party. Trump was supposed to drain the Swamp, but in reality the Swamp was enlarged and filled to the brim with Democrat alligators and lifelong bureaucrats long ago.” —Nevada

Re: “Will Liberty Win Out Over Mask Mandates?

“The edicts masquerading as law by unelected ‘experts’ that bypass the legislative process (except for a short-term emergency) should not be tolerated in a free republic. So much for a nation of laws. To rule by fiat is an example of tyranny. In this case it looks like fascism — you own your business but you don’t control the operation of it. Yet as a nation we accepted the situation thinking we were doing what was good for the nation. Currently, those assumptions should be reexamined in light of our experience.” —Texas

Re: “Is School Choice Racist?

“The big truth is that teacher unions do not have what’s in our children’s best interest as any priority. It’s all about power, control, money, and taking care of their members. Unionized teachers hold their positions not based on performance in educating but rather on seniority. Their quid pro quo arrangement with the Democrats guarantees no choice and a rotten education no matter how much funding is thrown at it.” —North Carolina