The Patriot Post® · Thursday Executive News Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Afghanistan Postscript

  • Pentagon confirms explosion outside the Kabul airport (CNBC) | Americans at Kabul airport gates urged by U.S. embassy to “leave immediately” (Fox News)

  • About 1,500 American citizens still in Afghanistan, secretary of state claims (NBC News) | White House cuts off audio of Joe Biden’s appalling response to question about Americans stranded in Afghanistan (Twitchy)

  • Two congressmen, a Democrat and a Republican, went to Kabul because they don’t trust Biden’s Afghanistan spin (PJ Media) | House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has ludicrously commended the president’s Saigon 2.0 malfeasance, slams the “freelance” trip (Fox News)


  • Pentagon orders COVID vaccinations for military personnel (Washington Times)

  • New York governor adds 12,000 deaths to publicized COVID tally (AP)

  • CDC: Schools with mask mandates didn’t see statistically significant different rates of COVID transmission from schools with optional policies (FEE)

  • YouTube oligarchs yank over one million COVID videos it deems “dangerous” (Daily Caller)

Around the Nation

  • Man gets six years in prison for Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping role (Detroit News)

  • Former California Democrat majority leader endorses Larry Elder (Power Line)

Other Notables

  • Osama bin Laden warned in 2010 letter that Biden would “lead US into crisis” (NY Post)

  • Capitol Police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt to speak out in interview (Daily Wire)

  • Apple promotes hookup apps to children (Free Beacon)

Double Standards Award

  • New Mexico governor’s car gets 13 MPG as she demands state average of 52 MPG (The Federalist)

Stranger Than Fiction

  • A Washington state jail is offering free Ramen noodles to inmates who get the vaccine (Not the Bee)

Closing Arguments

  • Policy: The roads not taken in Afghanistan (Foreign Affairs)

  • Policy: The results of the labor-market experiment are in: Reducing unemployment benefits reduced unemployment (City Journal)

  • Humor: Biden’s guest hosting of “Jeopardy!” a disaster as he flees every time a contestant puts an answer in form of a question (Babylon Bee)

For more of today’s editors’ choice headlines, visit Headline Report.

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