The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Executive News Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Top of the Fold

  • Texas governor signs GOP voting restrictions voting integrity into law (AP)

  • Dr. Anthony Fauci faces call to resign and answer for report about U.S. government-funded Wuhan research (Daily Wire)

  • Who’d a thunk it? Minnesota man freed by Kamala Harris-supported bail fund now charged with murder (Fox News)

National Security

  • Four Taliban members swapped for Bowe Bergdahl now in Afghan government (NY Post) | A trip down memory lane: Barack Obama’s prisoner swap broke the law, GAO says (NPR)

  • Chinese muscle in on Afghanistan’s rare earth mineral deposits, creating more headaches for Biden (Washington Times)

  • ICE counts 463 sanctuary jails and prisons in U.S. — and another 156 give limited cooperation (Washington Times)

Government & Politics

  • House Republican demands Hunter Biden’s art dealer assist in investigating White House corruption (Breitbart)

  • Democrats poised for bitter September spending battle within their own ranks (Washington Examiner)

  • Human Rights Campaign fires its president, Alphonso David, after he advised Andrew Cuomo during sexual misconduct scandal (Daily Wire)

  • ACLU denounced pandemic mandates before COVID-19 (Fox News)

Around the Nation


  • Odds of a “breakthrough” COVID infection worsen with Delta variant (Washington Times)

  • University of California doctors challenge its vaccine mandate as “irrational” (Just the News)

  • Colleges penalize unvaccinated students (Politico)

Clown World

  • Rutgers student says he’s being stopped from taking virtual classes because he’s not vaccinated (

Stranger Than Fiction

  • Satanists demand religious exemption to perform “abortion ritual” in Texas (Daily Wire)


  • Biden’s inflation woes persist with production stoppages at “Big Three” automakers (Washington Examiner)

  • Mexico decriminalizes abortion, a dramatic step in world’s second-biggest Catholic country (Washington Post)

  • Catholics frustrated as increasing attacks on churches go unnoticed (Washington Times)

Closing Arguments

  • Policy: What Joe Biden still doesn’t get about the Taliban (1945)

  • Policy: Ten reasons to oppose more spending (National Review)

  • Satire: AOC pushes to make Labor Day a year-round paid holiday (Genesius Times)

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