The Patriot Post® · Progressives Are Capitalizing on Black Haitian Lives

By Patrick Hampton ·

Del Rio, Texas, is the epicenter of an emerging illegal immigration crisis, but, as usual, reality is never how progressives like to frame it.

Photos have surfaced with Border Patrol members on horseback encountering Haitians attempting to enter the United States, and black progressive leaders have decided to give the conversation about this crisis a racial tone. Fortunately, the American public have grown tired of hearing it.

One of the usual race-baiting provocateurs from the Left — Rev. Al Sharpton — visited Del Rio to get a closer look (i.e., photo op) of the situation, only to be shouted down by dissenters and media eyewitnesses who accused the political activist of showing zero prior concern about the child trafficking taking place at the border. Sharpton’s concern only echoes that of other black progressive activists who, classically, only show up to create racial narratives about isolated scenarios. Their concern is moot and has essentially been absent up until recently, and this was gloriously called out upon Sharpton’s arrival on the scene.

And those so-called “whips” are actually horse reins, as political commentator Anthony Brian Logan so perfectly explained for those who may be questioning the narrative. The use of officers on horseback for crowd control is not unusual in America and certainly not unusual at the southern border. Sadly, these race-baiters know this very well, but they also know that their audiences are largely ignorant about immigration matters. And so these activists opt to frame the situation in a black and white manner. Their strategy is sinister. That’s why my gratitude goes out to the public eyewitnesses who are reporting on this growing situation with integrity and impartiality that’s no longer found in the mainstream media.

Furthermore, the anger from the Left is misdirected. This crisis — essentially caused by the White House due to its misdirection about deportation — should be addressed directly. But instead of confronting the Biden administration for creating this mass confusion, Congresswoman Maxine Waters would rather frame this situation as “worse than slavery.”

“I’m pissed. I’m unhappy, and I’m not just unhappy with the cowboys who were running down Haitians and using their reins to whip them. I’m unhappy with this administration,” Waters says.

But don’t misunderstand. Her wrath is not directed at the Biden administration where it is appropriate. She’s retroactively applying blame to President Donald Trump, as Waters and other politicians of her ilk characterize this as a compounding issue that spilled over from the previous presidential term. Their laser swift “analysis” for how this happened is convenient. But if this is the route the congresswoman would like to take, then why was she in the dark a whole presidency ago? Where was her concern about the Border Patrol treatment of migrants then? If this is truly about how racist America is, is the new narrative that Black Migrant Lives Matter, but Hispanic ones don’t?

We live in a time when nothing we see on a screen is what it seems. Cases like what I’ve detailed above are why the people must investigate and push back on their own rather than depending on establishment politicians and media to feed us their version of the truth.