The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Scranton Joe, Tax Evader

“This is just another in a growing list of reasons to scrap our current laws and go to a flat tax system with no deductions, no exemptions, and no exceptions. A level no higher than about 10% should be sufficient to pay for the few enumerated duties of the federal government. This would still ‘tax the rich’ (an undefined group) more raw dollars. Under this law, everyone would ‘have skin in the game,’ as Obama claimed to want.” —Michigan

Re: “Biden’s Outrageous Border Patrol Smear

“‘The law provides that individuals can make a claim for humanitarian relief.’ This comment is the worse possible excuse not to build a wall. Leftists seem to think any wall will be a solid structure with no gates at all. Gates for continuing legal commercial trade and humanitarian relief can be administered under controlled conditions, not with thousands of people seeking economic relief under a bridge.” —Texas

Re: “The Great Unarmed Non-Insurrection

“Not the best behaved crowd, but nowhere near the BLM/antifa crowds in, say, Portland, where nobody was given more than a slap on the wrist. The worst attack on democracy since the Civil War? I’ve seen fist fights that were worse than that. Let this be a lesson to the Trump crowd. Leftists can do anything and get away with it. They have the MSM backing them. Everything you do is going to be blown out of proportion.” —Nevada

Re: “A Military Draft for Women Is a Terrible Idea

“I completely understand this argument, and in some ways I agree with it. However, I also disagree. Why are America’s sons more disposable than her daughters? I would contend we need to do away with the draft completely and not get into wars that we shouldn’t be fighting in the first place.” —Massachusetts

Re: “Build Back Behemoth Medicaid

“I was alive in 1960. Healthcare has vastly improved due to the free-market U.S. healthcare industry. I suspect most of us find it hard to swallow the idea that healthcare today is a thousand times better than it was in 1960. What accounts for the expense difference? Administrative and political costs.” —Missouri

Re: “Can the Evangelical Church Survive?

“‘How can [conservatives] support the death penalty and not abortion?’ In the same way we can support insisting that incarcerating criminals works, while condemning slavery. Convicted criminals plead their case before a criminal justice system that bends over backwards to protect their unalienable rights, a system built on the American value of ‘innocent until proven guilty.’ Laws (and the criminal courts that apply them) are established on behalf of all of us. Both slavery and abortion are the choices of individuals. Neither accords any system of due process, nor rises from any desire for the common good. They exist simply for the convenience of those who see no reason to consider the rights of someone they see as ‘less than human.’” —Georgia