The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Most Radical Abortion Legislation Passes in the House

“This bill is based on the same evil premise that corrupted the Democrat Party in its beginning — that humans can be regarded and treated as chattel property to be disposed of at the whim of the purported owner. At least with slavery, the old Democrats did not deny the humanity of their victims (although some tried, using Darwin’s newly published hypothesis).” —Minnesota

Re: “Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Jailed

“Scheller’s judgement may be impaired by PTSD, but it does not reduce the culpability or ineptitude of the top brass. I cannot stomach the fact they are shamelessly hanging on to their power. I also cannot disagree with the observations of General Bell that President Biden should be impeached for his dereliction of duty as commander-in-chief.” —Massachusetts

Re: “‘Defund Police’ Movement to Blame for Record 30% Surge in Murders

“We need to have all the police departments folded into the sheriffs departments and cut out the city leaders and mayors completely. Take the entire law enforcement control away from these malignant leftist tumor city councils and deploy the cops on the beat as deputies. The people have direct control of the sheriff and have their voices heard.” —Wyoming

Re: “Where’s That Flood of Evictions?

“‘Free money’ seldom is used for the purpose intended. While it sounds good and generous of the federal government to allocate other people’s money to make up for the loss of income that was created by the federal government to begin with, the vicious circle hardly seems justified. Why not find out what the renters owed and send that portion directly to the landlords? Food and utilities could go in another check. Better yet, why make the mess in the first place? Piling up debt is what government does best.” —California

Re: “Why All the ‘Unexpected’ Jobless Claims?

“Mark my words: The Biden administration at one point will be forced to end the unemployment handouts and Jen Psaki will be at the podium bragging about how the administration has the best employment record, putting more people to work than any previous admin. And Dems and the MSM will fawn and carry on as though it wasn’t the admin that put those same people out of work to begin with.” —Nevada

Re: “McAuliffe Sides With Teachers Unions Against Parents

“The implications of McAuliffe’s insulting, un-American condescension go beyond solicitation of the favor of the teachers unions. He apparently presumes that, rather than being God-given responsibilities of the parents, children are subjects and property of The State. Also implicit is the conceit that only state-approved ‘experts’ know how to educate children or what they should be taught. A corollary to this is that a people incapable of knowing what they themselves were taught are incapable of self-government. But were not these ignoramus parents ‘taught’ by the self-proclaimed expert system? If so, that system is a failure and should not be entrusted with the power to choose what the next generation learns.” —Minnesota

Re: “X-Rated Adult Books Packaged for Children

“Strongest kudos to the parents who are FINALLY getting involved in what government schools are doing to their children. It’s a shame so many have waited so long, but I wish them all success. If school boards are so afraid of these parents that microphones are being shut off, it can only be a good thing. I hope this involvement expands to other areas of education and childrearing.” —Michigan

Re: “A Marine’s Record-Breaking Bad Day

“THANK YOU! Didn’t realize how much I missed hangar stories. My early pilot time in the 101st Airborne (Air Assault) Division (Fort Campbell, KY) in the mid-1970s taught me to learn from such accountings. Lots of tech and tactics talk blended with survival and how-to lessons. I now realize the personal touch, those items that make all the tech/tac talk personal, was the real attraction. Such accountings compel the attention of eyes and ears, challenge understanding, inspire imagination, strengthen resolve, and pound critical lessons into the deepest abyss of the warrior’s mind, heart, and soul. From there they mold the warrior ethos. Best I’ve read in a long time.” —Missouri