The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Jailed

“Is anyone else waiting for John Kerry to be the first person to speak up in defense of Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller? After all, didn’t Kerry launch his political career by speaking against what he considered atrocities in the Vietnam War for which someone should have been held to account? Doesn’t the ‘righteous’ killing of 10 innocents (including seven children) require some accountability? The difference between Kerry and Scheller is that Kerry ‘capitalized’ on his testimony and Scheller ‘sacrificed’ for his. Who do you respect as the better man between them?” —Minnesota

Re: “Biden DOJ Goes to War Against Parents

“It is not only the parents the regime is going after; it is all Americans. We all pay taxes out of which schools take a big chunk. This is the future of our nation. From the time my daughter was born I prayed I would never have to send her to public school. Even though I homeschooled my daughter, we still payed heavy school taxes and continue to do so today. It is a disgrace the school boards have been taken over by communists. God bless the parents who are standing up for their children and for all Americans.” —Florida

Re: “Weaponizing the IRS to Invade Americans’ Privacy

“This sounds like an invitation to a cash run on the banks for us regular folk. What’s next? Are they going to decide I’m doing too well for being in such a low-income bracket? This is the taking of more liberty and it flies in the face of the Fourth Amendment regarding privacy. If the government has suspicion or evidence of a crime, we have a process for perusing a possible illegal act. This attack on personal privacy begs the question in my mind: What happened to innocent until proven guilty? This turns privacy on its head. And these people work for us? Push back!” —Oregon

“From Ronald Reagan’s farewell address: ‘I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.’ Everything on the Democrats’ agenda, including their massive spending bills, are geared to the expansion of government power and presence in our everyday lives. Liberty has always been America’s promise. Resist its contraction!” —Maryland

Re: “How FISA Was Used to Bring Down Trump

“I am beginning to believe it is a myth that the rank and file FBI agents are on the up and up. I suspect the FBI is rotten to the core. I don’t see any protest in the ordinary agents or agents leaving the FBI en masse. They are going along with their bosses, which to me is not a very honorable position.” —Kansas

Re: “Democrats Are Better Gun Salesmen

“Every time gun control becomes the issue du jour, gun sales jump. Why? Because people viscerally understand that the gun control proponents are heavy on the control and guns are only one aspect of their longing. The founders had it right. They understood that it was a freedom issue — not a hunting issue or even strictly a self-defense issue. They understood that freedom, liberty, justice, and peace depended on the Second Amendment.” —Virginia

Re: “Fake Hate Crime Spree

“These incidents demonstrate too many believe claiming racism is profitable for the perpetrators. At least until and unless the claim is found invalid and the perp is held accountable. Remember the fable of the boy who cried wolf? After the townspeople grew tired of repeated false alarms, they did not believe and did not respond to a true alarm. The wolf ate the boy. The moral: Do not make false alarms. Astonishingly, it seems our news media has forgotten such simple morals.” —Missouri

Re: “In Brief: How’s Biden, the Anti-Trump, Doing?

“I heard so much about how Trump ruined America’s standing with world leaders. Other than with maybe Canada, is America’s reputation any better with Biden that Trump? Did our friends and foes respect us more with Obama than Trump? Other than telling allies to pick up their fair share of the tab for NATO, what did Trump do to ‘ruin’ our relations with them?” —Nevada

Re: “Biden’s Green New Steal

“Europe, we can see this closer to home in Texas where they subsidize green energy off the backs of the ratepayers and property owners. The entire electrical grid almost collapsed during a freak cold wave mainly due to reliance on wind and solar.” —Tennessee