The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Did McConnell Get Rolled by Schumer?

“This is so … ordinary. Both political parties know very well, and well in advance, exactly when budget problems are going to present themselves and what needs to be done about it. And every single time that I can think of, both sides put off making any real effort to actually solve these problems until it is the 11th hour and it’s an ‘emergency.’ Then they gin up the drama and do something stupid that they knew was coming all along. I’m really sick of it and the blame-casting. They all do it. Term limits are badly needed, as they are the only real hope we have of breaking this cycle.” —Florida

Re: “Where Are All the Workers?

“The COVID-19 death rate among blacks was higher than in other ethnic groups before the vaccines. The cause is not ‘systemic racism,’ but a combination of genetics, skin physiology, and personal health choices. Obesity is higher among blacks than in the general population. So is Vitamin D deficiency. A good share of the latter is due to the reduced photo-production of Vitamin D as a consequence of high levels of melanin in the skin. Differences in diet (e.g., chips and soda instead fruit and veggies) would lead to a greater proportion of them having a poorly functioning immune system. The Left may try to blame the differences on past racism, but it’s wasting time. It’s better to focus on saving lives now by promoting healthy living habits.” —Minnesota

Re: “The Virus of Biden’s Authoritarianism

“What’s more infuriating than the lack of reliable information about the vaccine due to political polarization is Biden’s apparent lack of desire to know the origin of the virus. If I were president witnessing the incalculable harm this virus has caused, I sure wouldn’t be content with a 1 ½-page report from our intelligence agencies saying ‘We don’t know.’ This is particularly true when all the available evidence points to the Wuhan lab.” —Illinois

Re: “Fake Hate Crime Spree

“The real problem is that the entire concept of hate crimes violates the Constitution. The very idea that the severity of the crime depends on the race or gender or whatever of the victim rather than the act itself is clearly opposed to the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. Elevating the rights of one over another is just as wrong as denying the rights of one in favor of another. Hate crime legislation, by definition, does both. The outcome is now obvious. Whoever is in the currently popular ‘protected class’ enjoys special treatment under the law. Deciding which class is protected at any given time in history is determined by the whim of politicians and judges, and can be changed at the same whim.” —Wisconsin

Re: “Codifying the Collapse of the Demos’ Russian Collusion Conspiracy

“Sadly, nothing will happen punitively to any of these swamp creatures. The Clintons have been an organized crime syndicate since their days at the Rose Law Firm. James Comey and John Brennan both were exposed as mere political hacks who violated federal law and the civil rights of countless Americans and their punishment is millions in lucrative book deals. The congressional leadership has become multi-millionaires through graft and insider manipulation of government contracts, and one of the biggest grifters was sleepy Joe Biden, the ‘big guy.’ But who is really to blame? We the electorate who continue to send these thieves and charlatans to positions of power are the real fools. We get the government we deserve!” —Arizona

“All this is well and good in helping those who care to understand what is happening and has happened in this country. Problem is, no one ever does anything to correct this mess. Where is the Republican leadership? Where is the Supreme Court?  Where are the conservatives with money who can afford to fight this destruction of the country? It’s all nothing but talk while Rome burns.” —Utah

Re: “The Great National Divorce?

“One reason so many are in favor of secession is that core differences between the woke Democrat Party and conservatives are irreconcilable. The difference between morals and ethics are like night and day. Red states and blue states, each with their own federal government, make sense.” —Texas

Re: “Can Men Get Pregnant?

“In other words, if you are female, you can bear a child. True, most of the time. Converse: If you can bear a child, you are female. Always true! Nobody assigned my gender at birth; they looked at my external genitalia and identified my sex. When discussing this with that rare bird willing to hear a rational thought, this point should be emphasized. The first mention of ‘gender assigned’ should be shut down as the lie that forms the basis of the rest of the ‘trans’ agenda.” —New York

Re: “The Worst of Us Attack Casey DeSantis

“I can relate to both what Governor DeSantis is going through and what he’s doing to support his wife. When my wife, the mother of a 14-year-old daughter and nine- and seven-year-old sons, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, we struggled with what to do and how to deal both with her treatment and continuing to take care of our three young children. I pray this doesn’t happen to the DeSantis family, but eight months later my wife lost her battle to cancer. This was in 1995, and if she were still alive, she’d be proud of the kids.” —Colorado