The Patriot Post® · School Boards Distance From Garland's Witch Hunt

By Thomas Gallatin ·

Not all school boards are run by leftist radicals. Several state school boards associations are disavowing and distancing themselves from the National School Boards Association’s letter sent to Joe Biden’s Justice Department that labeled protesting parents as “domestic terrorists” and called for action against them. At least 11 states’ school boards associations have voiced their opposition to the NSBA’s letter, including Virginia. That’s significant given the fact that Loudoun County has become the national epicenter for parents protesting and voicing their opposition to that school board’s radical leftist policies regarding transgender ideology and Critical Race Theory.

“The decision by NSBA to write this letter is not the first disagreement that [the Virginia School Boards Association] has had with its national association and probably will not be the last, but it is important that our members and the citizens of this state know where VSBA stands,” wrote Virginia School Boards Association President Janet Turner-Giles and Executive Director Gina G. Patterson.

Texas School Boards Association executive directory Tiffany Dunne-Oldfield voiced similar opposition: “Our position here at TASB has always been that school board meetings should be places where parents and community members are welcomed and provided the opportunity to openly share their opinions and concerns on how the schools in their community are being governed.”

Thus far, the state school boards of Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia have voiced their opposition to the NSBA, while state school boards in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Texas have said that the NSBA did not consult or notify them before sending its infamous letter to the DOJ.

Tellingly, it appears that what motivated the NSBA to call on the DOJ to threaten parents was not a bunch of state school boards but rather groups tied to the Democrat Party and labor unions. While the NSBA is officially a nonpartisan outfit, its biggest donors happen to be Democrats. In fact, the NSBA’s current interim executive director and CEO, Chip Slaven, had previous worked as congressional district director for West Virginia’s then-Governor Robert Wise, a Democrat.

Meanwhile, back in Washington, several House Republicans on the Judiciary Committee have sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland calling on him to explain his order creating the FBI task force targeting parents. “Attorney General Garland’s decision to involve the Department of Justice in local school board protests raises serious questions,” said Republican Representative Mike Johnson of Louisiana, “not only about his disturbing pattern of exerting federal authority over state, local and personal matters — but also about his own family’s reported interests in advancing left-wing ideologies in schools.”

Fortunately for parents and the country at large, this effort by leftists to silence parents objecting to their children being indoctrinated in radical leftist ideology appears to be blowing up in their faces.