The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “The REAL Cover-Up in Loudoun County

“Are not school boards elected? It is high time to start ridding our education system of those pushing an agenda, such as CRT, using opposite sex restrooms and locker rooms, sex education, and coddling the minority over the majority. Parents have a complete right to know what is being taught to their children. Teacher unions are NOT for the students but for the teachers who pay the dues. If I still had children of school age you can bet I would be fully aware of what is being taught and would be very active and vocal in protesting what I considered improper or disgusting actions of the school and school board. If they are elected, toss them out. Elect those that are interested in proper education of their children, not leftist-agenda-driven.” —Washington

“The Left has advocated for the wholesale slaughter of unborn children for decades, and schools all over the nation are pushing outright filth in the ‘classroom.’ Pushing ‘gender neutral’ ideas is nothing more than telling ugly predators of all ages, ‘Hey, have a blast.’ Decency and truth are considered wrong by the destroyers. The outright lie is that God doesn’t exist. Attacks on the churches are relentless.” —Colorado

Re: “GOP Needs Trump to Get Past 2020

“If the adage is true that Republicans find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, Trump should be Exhibit A. His narcissism knows no limits. It is difficult to support someone who is so consumed with himself that the election becomes a referendum on personal loyalty to him instead of his policy platform. In 2016, for the first time in my life, I voted third party because I had serious doubts about whether Trump would really govern as a conservative or whether he was just playing the GOP for fools. In 2020, having seen his record in office, I voted for him. But given his post-election behavior, I would not vote for him if he runs again. I would much rather see someone like Ron DeSantis as the next GOP nominee.” —California

“Trump needs to step aside and let someone new have the next three years to prepare to be president.
 As much as I admire the aggressive job he did to improve many areas of life in our country I fear that his personality will not attract any new voters from the independents or the Democrats, and they may be needed to keep this place we all cherish from becoming a totally Marxist state.” —Washington

Re: “The Biden Global Tax Cartel

“This is one of the worst ideas ever. How will it be enforced? Are the large nations going to wage war on small nations that dare to break the trust? The high tax rate coveted by greedy American leftists will hurt our economy, but would be devastating to the economies of smaller, poorer nations such as Armenia or Kazakhstan. It is no coincidence that the less-developed nations with high tax rates grow more slowly relative to their natural resource availability than those with lower rates. Taking away the option to reduce tax rates to promote growth would hamper their efforts to reduce poverty. Democrats are engaging in economic policy imperialism. Some foreign governments may like the idea, but people around the world will hate us for it.” —Minnesota

Re: “Columbus Day vs. Indigenous Peoples’ Day

“If you are both intelligent and informed, the silliness of these neo-Marxist ideas is self-evident and illustrative of how a determined political party can take control of an uninformed people. There are no current nations on the globe that did not replace earlier populations, and many of them did so by various kinds of violence.” —Texas