The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Executive News Summary

By Jordan Candler ·


  • Goodness gracious: Democrats considering “a tax on unrealized capital gains” (Daily Wire)

  • “Defund the police” advocate Ilhan Omar now blames police for rising crime rates in Minneapolis (Daily Wire)

  • Lyin’ Biden repeats debunked Amtrak story for fifth time during presidency (Fox News)

  • John Kerry holds $1 million stake in equity fund linked to Uyghur labor abuse (Free Beacon)

“Social Justice”

  • White House releases “National Gender Strategy,” and it is every bit as ridiculous as it sounds (Washington Examiner)

  • Treasury Department appoints first “Counselor for Racial Equity” (Daily Wire)


  • Mind-boggling: FEMA rejects Texas appeal for emergency aid for border crisis (Washington Examiner)

  • Mexico threatens court-ordered restart of “Remain in Mexico” policy (Washington Examiner)

  • Iran behind drone attack on U.S. base in Syria (AP)

  • China launches suspected anti-satellite weapon into space (Washington Times)


  • Teenager found guilty in Loudoun County bathroom assault (Washington Examiner)

  • Loudoun County father calls on NSBA to apologize directly to parents over “domestic terrorism” letter (National Review)

  • Oklahoma Supreme Court blocks three anti-abortion laws scheduled to go into effect November 1 (Fox News)

  • Less than a quarter of eviction aid disbursed, Treasury says (Politico)


  • Let’s Go Brandon! Washington Post issues “greatest correction” ever (PJ Media)

  • In the final stretch for Virginia, Youngkin and McAuliffe are tied (RedState)

  • Virginia polls should alarm Democrats (National Review)

Closing Arguments

  • Policy: Is the economy headed toward a recession? Evidence is starting to pile up (National Review)

  • Humor: NASCAR race ends early as gas gets too expensive for anyone to reach the finish line (Babylon Bee)

For more of today’s editors’ choice headlines, visit Headline Report.

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(Follow @candler_jordan)