The Patriot Post® · Charting the Path Forward

By Mark Alexander ·

It was a year ago in November that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris declared victory over Donald Trump. But the fix was in before Election Day, thanks in large measure to the Democrats’ fraudulent bulk-mail balloting strategy — collecting millions of ballots with no authentication of who cast those votes.

Looking back over the last year, it is astounding to consider all the forces aligned against conservatives, despite the Trump administration’s historic achievements. Throughout his tenure, President Trump focused on keeping his promises to the American people, and he did.

That notwithstanding, predictably, in the six months ahead of the election, Democrats effectively politicized the devastating ChiCom virus pandemic. On top of that, the racist Demo Party principals, who endlessly foment division and hatred, used the canard of “systemic racism” as political fodder to incite their Marxist Black Lives Matter radicals and their cadres of anarchist agitators into riotous burn, loot, and murder rages across the nation. Likewise, they led the charge to both blame and defund police.

Those gale-force headwinds combined with the perennial challenges posed by the Leftmedia and Big Tech collusion with the Democrat Party. The dollar value of that collusion is incalculable. Just consider the mass media blockbuster blackout of Biden’s corrupt ChiCom connection just before the election. Just imagine what the American political landscape would look like if the mainstream and social media platforms were actually politically neutral — as they should be. That landscape would shift seismically to the right.

However, in just nine months, the Biden/Harris regime and its collaborators, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, have managed to wreck almost all the good accomplished by the Trump administration.

Now, they would like to shutter our nation in the darkness of socialist oppression under their limitless statist power. They will not succeed. They think they are bullet proof. They are not.

Fact is, the vast majority of Americans are good and decent people — however disoriented some on the Left may be. Most Americans simply want the opportunity to prosper, to be secure in their persons and property, to support their family, to care for others, and to live in peace.

Their dissatisfaction with the rapid decline of our nation under the Democrats is loudly trumpeted in the Biden administration’s abysmal approval ratings.

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“Honor, justice, and humanity, forbid us tamely to surrender that freedom which we received from our gallant ancestors, and which our innocent posterity have a right to receive from us.” Thomas Jefferson (1775)