The Patriot Post® · Racist Academic Accidentally Renounces His Life's Work

By Douglas Andrews ·

It must’ve been a tough weekend for Henry Rogers Ibram X. Kendi.

Kendi, the Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities at Boston University and the nation’s leading proponent of the racist doctrine1 known as antiracism, inadvertently exposed himself on Friday as a fake, a fraud, a fabulist, and a phony when he tweeted an article2 citing a study that found 34% of white students falsely filled out the racial bean-counting section of their college admissions applications.

“More than a third of White students lied about their race on college applications,” Kendi complained, “and about half of these applicants lied about being Native American.”

Hmm… why on earth might white students pretend to be that which they’re not? Perhaps the answer can be found in the second sentence of Kendi’s tweet: “More than three-fourths of these students who lied about their race were accepted.”

Aha! If Kendi is correct — and he must be; he’s a college professor, after all — then white people actually get preferential treatment when they claim that their skin color is something other than white. Of course, that would mean that Kendi’s life’s work has been a Big Fat Lie, and that the bestselling author and millionaire is little more than a race-peddling grifter.

Is this a great country or what?

Kendi has thus noted that affirmative action creates unfair and systemically racist policies in our academic institutions — unfair and racist toward whites. Of course, he’ll claim otherwise, but why would Kendi have deleted that suddenly inconvenient tweet without explanation? Why not open it up to discussion? Why not reconcile his seemingly contradictory statements in the marketplace of ideas? Perhaps because he knows there’s no fitting the square peg of what he’s been saying all along into the round hole of what he accidentally admitted with that one bone-headed tweet: namely, that “white privilege” is snake oil. Or, at the very least, that non-white privilege is a thing, too. Unless we’re talking about Asian American college admissions, in which case they’re discriminated against to an even greater degree3 than whites.

“They imagine White people are disadvantaged while White people are on the higher end of nearly every racial disparity,” complained Kendi after trying to cover his tracks by deleting his tweet. “They imagine Black and Native people have racial advantages at the same time Black and Native people are on the lowest end of nearly every racial disparity. SMH.”

Actually, there’s no imagining here at all. When it comes to college admissions, white people (and Asian people) are routinely discriminated against. And Kendi’s tweet proved it. And his “nearly every racial disparity” straw man doesn’t disprove it. We’re talking about racial discrimination in college admissions, which is precisely the topic Kendi brought up in his since-deleted tweet.

Let’s face it: Anti-racism is simply racism in reverse4. Kendi himself admits as much. “The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination,” he says. “The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.”

Not in a healthy society it isn’t.

Racism is wrong no matter who’s on the receiving end. And, as Chief Justice John Roberts once put it5, “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.”

This would seem like a sensible approach. Unless you’re a leftist.

*Updated to include additional remarks from Ibram X. Kendi.
