The Patriot Post® · Monday Executive News Summary

By Jordan Candler ·


  • Facepalm: Thanks to Republicans, House passes bipartisan $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill (Fox Business)

  • To Russia and China’s delight, Biden admin considering shutting down another pipeline, drawing criticism and dire warnings as winter nears (Fox News)

  • “People are suffering”: Senator John Barrasso slams energy secretary for laughing over gas prices (Daily Wire)

  • Joe Manchin blockaded in his car by climate protesters who claim he tried to run them over (Fox News)


  • “You deserve some kind of compensation”: Joe Biden bursts over uncanny issue of reparations for illegal aliens (Daily Wire)

  • Border Patrol agent says up to 1.2 million illegal immigrants evaded detection (Washington Times)

  • Republicans press Biden to abandon nuclear talks after Iran strikes U.S. military outpost in Syria (Free Beacon)

  • ATF ominously amassing millions of records on gun owners amid new crackdown on firearms (Free Beacon)


  • Federal court issues temporary halt to Biden’s vaccine mandate over “grave statutory and constitutional” issues (PM) | Why the vaccine mandate is illegal and why it will still be imposed (PJ Media)

  • “It’s a death trap”: ICE officers file OSHA complaint over illegal immigrant COVID risks (Washington Times)

  • Neither “correct” nor “effective”: Democrat governor comes out against vaccine mandate (Daily Wire)

  • U.S. lifts pandemic travel ban, opens doors to visitors (New York Post)


  • America is already short 80,000 truck drivers (!!!) and the industry is warning that the vaccine mandate will only make it worse (Not the Bee)

  • Retailers scramble to attract workers ahead of the holidays (New York Times)


  • Virginia Democrats concede defeat, say Republicans control House (AP)

  • Houston crowd crush, panic at Astroworld music fest result in at least eight dead (Fox News) | Travis Scott charged twice in the past for inciting incidents at his concerts (Fox News)

“Social Justice”

  • Boy Scouts of America embraces Critical Race Theory (PJ Media)

  • NASCAR condemns “Let’s Go Brandon” chant, threatens to sue (Daily Wire)


  • No joke: Taliban asks for international aid to help it fight … “climate change” (FrontPage Mag)

  • Iraqi prime minister targeted in assassination attempt (Daily Wire)


  • Clinton operative linked to Steele dossier did not disclose work for Russia to DOJ (Free Beacon) | Former DNI John Ratcliffe expects “many” more Durham indictments (Washington Examiner)

  • Joe Biden’s FBI just raided the homes of Project Veritas reporters over the missing diary of his daughter, Ashley (Not the Bee)

  • No million-dollar checks: Democrat governors may sit out Florida (Politico)

  • Senator Rick Scott lays out game plan for how Republicans will win back Senate in 2022 (Daily Wire)

Stranger Than Fiction

  • SpaceX capsule’s toilet issues mean astronauts will return to Earth in diapers (NBC News)

Closing Arguments

  • Policy: Have fun defending the emergency OSHA rule in court (National Review)

  • Policy: Arresting the recruitment crisis: When police departments struggle to attract and retain officers, public safety suffers (City Journal)

  • Satire? Hillary Clinton tried to prove Trump was colluding with Russians by colluding with Russians (Babylon Bee)

For more of today’s editors’ choice headlines, visit Headline Report.

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(Follow @candler_jordan)