The Patriot Post® · Thursday Executive News Summary

By Jordan Candler ·

Two-Tiered Justice

  • House censures Paul A. Gosar, ejects him from committees over anime video depicting slaying of AOC (Washington Post)

  • Kevin McCarthy: Censure is Nancy Pelosi “burning down the House on the way out the door” (Washington Examiner)

  • “Sleeping with the enemy”: Lauren Boebert raises Eric Swalwell Chinese spy scandal on House floor (Fox News)


  • “QAnon Shaman” gets more than three years in jail for role in Capitol riot (New York Post)

  • “Does this have something to do with Kamala Harris?” Imminent vacancy rumors swirling on Capitol Hill (PJ Media)

  • Joe Biden attacks oil companies over gas prices, demands investigation. American Petroleum Institute fires back: It’s your ill-advised decisions. (Daily Wire)

  • Unfortunate capitulation: Biden not named in U.S. bishops’ document on receiving Communion (Fox News)

  • OSHA suspends enforcement of authoritarian vaccine mandate (National Review)


  • Kyle Rittenhouse, Day 2: Jury dismissed, still no verdict (Daily Wire)

  • “I shot him,” “he had my gun”: Man who shot Ahmaud Arbery testifies in court (Daily Wire)

  • Overdose deaths topped a mind-boggling 100,000 in one year (AP)

  • International Olympic Committee punts on new framework for “transgender” athletes (PJ Media)


  • Chinese military now set for invasion of Taiwan, says Hill commission (Washington Times)

  • 2022 harbinger? Republican elected as Columbia, South Carolina, mayor for first time in almost ever (PJ Media)

  • UAW members approve new deal with John Deere, ending 35-day strike (KWWL)

Closing Arguments

  • Policy: Rittenhouse: Hero, villain, or neither? (National Review)

  • Satire: Buffalo Guy wishing he had just burned down a car dealership in Kenosha instead (Babylon Bee)

For more of today’s editors’ choice headlines, visit Headline Report.

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(Follow @candler_jordan)