The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Taxed Enough Already

“‘And don’t expect corporations to just take higher taxes on the chin. Those costs always filter down to the consumer in the form of higher prices for goods and services.’ This is a watered-down comment about the truth that ‘corporations do not pay income taxes.’ Those taxes are only an expense in the cost of the goods or services passed on in the price of the same. An increase in prices hurts the poorest the most.” —Florida

“Term limits! Limit legislators’ advantages from insulation of career legislating.
 Make them return to the private sector to feel the effects of having to live under the burdens of the laws they passed. Are we so naïve to trust that legislators support laws that are adverse to their personal advantage? Perhaps legislators of such integrity did exist, and maybe a few serve today. But any claim of integrity when legislative support follows party lines strains credulity beyond the breaking point. One principle of our federal government was that no one was expected to make a career out of public service except justices. All else was designed for citizen servants: serve for a term and return to civil pursuits. Lifelong compensation and careers ruin our government.” —Missouri

Re: “Can the FBI Be Salvaged?

“I have a more basic question: ‘Which section of the Constitution authorizes a FBI?’ Could it be that James Madison was not paying attention when the subject of a FBI came up, or it was never even mentioned by our Founding Fathers? Police powers were rightly left to the states. Even the group that pushed a FBI on the Republic called it the ‘Federal Bureau of Investigation’ and not the ‘Federal Bureau of Police Powers.’ Even it realized police powers rest with the states.” —Wyoming

Re: “Bishops Punt on Eucharist Ban for Pro-Abortion Catholic Pols

“As a Roman Catholic and former seminarian, I am wholly disappointed with the Church and its leaders. Complete silence is the response to the evils rotting the very core of our culture. That of course includes outright racism and cancel culture. Silence in the late 1930s is a parallel that cannot be avoided. Nothing like frightened shepherds losing their flocks because they can’t face the wolves. Losing me, too. Never let religion get in the way of your faith.” —New York

Re: “Will Demos Dump Harris?

“Buttigieg or Harris? Those are the likely choices when Biden doesn’t run in 2024? Wow. I have said that the best way for Democrats to win in 2024 is if Trump is the Republican nominee, but even Trump might win against either of those two. Don’t misunderstand. I voted for Trump twice, but his time is past. He will be 78 years old at the time of the 2024 election. The store of energy at 78 is unlikely to be what it was when he departed the White House at age 75. He got as many votes in 2020 as he will ever get and the likelihood that he will even come close to that total again is remote. His base is decreasing. The Never-Trumpers will not climb onboard. The independents feeding current Republican wins will not support Trump.” —Virginia