The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “SCOTUS Hears Most Important Abortion Case in a Generation

“1. Justice Sotomayor should be ashamed of her comments comparing babies to brain-dead people. She has no evidence these babies are Democrats. 2. Senator Shaheen warned that there would be a revolution if Roe is overturned. Waiting for Twitter to deplatform her for this call to violence.” —Florida

“Years ago I tried to explain something to my unfortunately leftist daughter. I said that pro-abortion people were actually not pro-choice because they believe only some people should have a choice. When she asked what I meant, I said the fathers weren’t given a choice. She argued that the fathers didn’t have to deal with everything involved in pregnancy. I then said pro-choice people deny the babies a choice. My daughter looked at me and said, ‘I don’t understand.’ She looked honestly confused and repeated that she didn’t understand. The Left has thoroughly brainwashed a lot of young women.” —Delaware

“10th Amendment, people. 10th Amendment! Unless specified as a constitutional responsibility, all other responsibilities are addressed at the state level. Can anyone recite the part of the Constitution of the United States of America that references abortion in any terms?” —Maryland

Re: “Psaki Blames Crime Wave on COVID and Guns

“Psaki saying that a root cause of crime is guns and gun violence is like saying that root causes of home invasions are homes, people, and property. Equally false is her assertion that the pandemic is also a root cause of the crime we’re suffering. Tell that to the millions upon millions of legally armed citizens who experience the pandemic and its Democrat Party impositions, like all the rest of us, yet aren’t busting or shooting or looting up stores like all these leftist hoodlums in Democrat-run cities. Nor are they mowing down or running over parade participants. Psaki’s spin is to fool liberals and Democrat voters who presume she speaks with good intent, when she’s really just trying to hide her party’s malfeasance.” —Illinois

Re: “Biden’s FCC Pick Is an Anti-Speech Radical

“Wow, her statement about Fox News is like some weird invention. It surely doesn’t comport with any reality. Like it or hate it, Fox News is hardly as she describes. Frankly, this entire Biden administration seems like some Orwellian curse. When you consider the mounting damage all these left-wing freaks can do to our country, the end of Biden’s reign of terror can’t come soon enough. How is it that Biden picks these left-wing radicals for critical jobs when there are most likely loads of fairly competent, pro-America options? As always, Biden makes a horrible choice.” —New York

Re: “Twitter’s New CEO Is Even Woker Than Dorsey

“I’ve often wondered if there needs to be either legislative or judicial clarification on whether social media companies should be considered the new public square. In any case, I struggle with the belief that companies should be able to restrict or prevent the exercise of my rights. My rights precede the Constitution. U.S. laws and regulations originate with the power the people grant to the government. Those laws often provide limitations on how businesses conduct their business. If my rights precede the origination of U.S. law, then businesses shouldn’t be able to inhibit the free exercise of those rights.” —Illinois

Re: “Farewell to WWII Veteran Bob Dole

“To Bob Dole: Present arms! As a Vietnam-era veteran who experienced public harassment while in uniform, I feel skeptical of ‘Thank you for your service’ remarks. Yet I always thank the greeter and reply that military service is a privilege and an honor.
 No one has a ‘right’ to military service. Only 1/3 of high school graduates qualify for military service. Physical fitness is easily understood. Few realize that previous medical issues/therapies/legal infractions/affiliations/low aptitude can be disqualifiers. Military service is earned. Every service member asserts an oath to defend our Constitution, not to defend our nation or country. Defending our Constitution is the honor. Encourage high school students to consider an enlistment.” —Missouri