The Patriot Post® · Biden's DOJ Changes Tactics to Pay Illegals

By Thomas Gallatin ·

One of the more egregious aspects of Joe Biden’s open-borders policy was the Justice Department’s consideration of shelling out some $450,000 in damages to illegal aliens who had been separated from their families after having illegally crossed the U.S. southern border while Donald Trump was in office. Even though he denied it, Biden’s DOJ was mulling paying out $1 billion in a class-action-style settlement.

The Social Justice Department just announced that it is ending any settlement talks … well, sort of. As DOJ spokeswoman Dena Iverson explained, “While the parties have been unable to reach a global settlement agreement at this time, we remain committed to engaging with the plaintiffs and to bring justice to the victims of his abhorrent policy.” Yes, you read that right: “victims.” How exactly is someone a victim who knowingly and willingly breaks the law and is arrested and separated from their family? This is standard practice when dealing with crime, not some cruel and unusual treatment.

What American citizen would have the expectation that if they committed a crime and were arrested for it, their children would be joining them in jail? It’s absolutely absurd, and yet this is essentially the argument the opponents of Trump’s Zero Tolerance policy have made.

Importantly, this announcement is not the Biden administration deciding to give up on rewarding illegal aliens who broke America’s sovereign law with a massive cash payout of U.S. taxpayer dollars. Rather, the administration is simply changing tactics, as the DOJ will now engage in litigation with families on an individual basis.

Finally, a parting question for advocates of an open border: How are those Americans who chose to break the law by illegally entering the U.S. Capitol on January 6 any different from illegal aliens who break the law by illegally crossing the border and entering the U.S.? Both are guilty of trespassing, and yet one group is declared “victims” by the Biden administration, while the other, who are American citizens, have their civil rights trampled to advance a political agenda.

Is it any wonder so many Americans see Biden and the Democrats as anti-American?