The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “Weaponizing Government for Climate Change

“If the Biden gang is serious about ‘zero emission’ energy by 2030, they’d better hurry up and overhaul the regulatory process for approving nuclear reactor construction. It takes a minimum of seven years to get approval, plus any number of years for court fights. The lead time for ordering reactor parts is several years, plus several more to build and commission them, so they’re five years behind already. There is no way we can have ‘zero emission’ energy without more nuclear reactors to recharge all of those new electric vehicles.” —Minnesota

Re: “Senator Cruz Details Grounds for Biden Impeachment

“If Republicans take control of the House in 2022 and start impeachment proceedings against Biden, they are essentially telling the country, ‘No need to take us seriously. We like wasting time and money on stupid things like impeaching a president with no possibility of removing him from office — just like the Democrats.’ This reminds me of the congressional Republicans who bragged about how many times they voted to repeal ObamaCare (when there was never even the remotest possibility it could happen), rather than craft legislation to repeal and replace it for when Republicans regained control of the White House. Republicans do the same stupid things for which they criticize Democrats. Are they too stupid to figure this out? Yes … yes, they are.” —Tennessee

Re: “The Demos’ 2022 Dumpster Fires

“Good commentary, Mark. I argue that the Senate was invalidated as a coequal branch of government on April 8, 1913, with the ratification of the 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. For it was on that date that the states lost their seat at the table of government and senators became super-representatives. No longer accountable to their state legislatures, they became accountable (just like congressmen/women) to the people who elect them. Which is why today the Democrats can paint Ron DeSantis as a conservative crackpot leading his people over the edge of the COVID cliff. We must repeal the XVII Amendment in restoring our country!” —Virginia

“The key to Marxism is the ignorance of people to allow it to become a reality. What better way than to have a government full of those who are so corrupt it can be done by an act of Congress? The Democrat traitors now in charge put there by a dumbed-down citizenry proves that these people are more dedicated than those who support freedom. Can another Marxist hellhole be around the corner, this time built on the ruins of the American Republic?” —North Carolina

Re: “Australia’s Problem Isn’t Limited to One Tennis Player

“Some say Australians deserve the government they elected (as we deserve ours). BUT, do these nations really deserve what they have? Did they get what they elected or did they get something different? All cultures must know that just as it’s criminals’ nature to prey on society, many people who enter government have similar avaricious, abusive natures, and they will be as deceptive as needed. Reject all candidates who promise free lunches.” —Illinois

Re: “Racial Medical Rationing

“Skin color is a documented apparent risk factor, but that’s because people with dark skin are more prone to Vitamin D deficiency, especially in northern latitudes. Vitamin D deficiency is the real risk factor. Governor Hochul correctly identified a risk factor, but was way off base in the reason for it and even further off in the response to it. The correct answer is to call for those with other high risk conditions to be tested for Vitamin D deficiency and treated as needed, and to urge everybody to pay attention to proper diet and other health habits, including education on the physiological effects of dark skin.” —Minnesota