The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Editor’s Note: Each week we receive hundreds of comments and correspondences — and we read every one of them. What follows are a few thought-provoking comments about specific articles. The views expressed herein don’t necessarily reflect those of The Patriot Post.

Re: “SCOTUS Balks at Biden Vax Mandate

“Isn’t it interesting that all the left-leaning ‘justices’ are pushing this ‘vaccine’ on American citizens? One must ask why this desperation by the Left to push this patently unconstitutional and unproven-to-be-safe vaccine. There can only be one answer, a concept that George Bush Sr. espoused in his acceptance speech after winning the presidency. I saw and heard this speech: ‘We must usher in the New World Order.’” —Colorado

Re: “Biden’s Weakness Provokes Iran

“I don’t trust the Biden administration one iota to handle this as it should be. Nor would I be surprised if there is a successful attack on the US. given the record with Afghanistan, the southern border, and the gutting of our military and police. I hope I am wrong.” —Texas

Re: “Biden’s IRS Raises Taxes on Regular Americans

“One more reason the Fed is trying to do away with cash. If all transactions go through a card, then the government can know what and where money goes for everyone and every ‘business.’” —Florida

Re: “Republican Ralphies Have Had Enough

“Some people fear that we might have another civil war. Let me see how that would line up… On the one side we’d have tens of thousands of legal firearm owners, and on the other we’d have a bunch of nerds who don’t even know which bathroom to use.” —Pennsylvania

Re: “What Does ‘New Normal’ Mean?

“I’m more concerned about the woke mindset than I am COVID. Wokeness will kill us faster than COVID. I grew up learning to be ‘nice’ to everyone. Sure doesn’t hurt, and it may solve many problems. Get with the program, folks.” —California